
Music Box / News: Recent posts


I finally remembered what I was working on. There are a lot of fixes/updates in this version, including GoogleImageSearch, FindFiles, and table sorting, just to name a few. I had to take a break from MusicBox for a little while when I moved. I'm all settled into my new place now and am able to continue working on MusicBox. There are still a few fixes that I'd like to work on and I have a few ideas to make MusicBox even better. Stay tuned for more!... read more

Posted by Isaac Hammon 2012-09-08

I forgot

It's been so long since I've worked on Music Box that I've actually forgotten what it was that I was working on. Does anybody remember?

Posted by Isaac Hammon 2012-07-25

1.06 is finally here!

MusicBox 1.06 is finally here, and with it comes local network sharing! It took me forever to do a POC, get it to work, and then iron out the majority of the kinks, but it's finally here! Connect to any other computer that's running MusicBox 1.06 on your local network and you'll be able to listen to the music on that computer. How crazy is that?

Now, MusicBoxServer is still pretty new, so I haven't tested everything as well as I would have liked to, but it is fairly stable. I haven't had a chance to add a Logger to it yet, but that's coming. If you have any issues getting MusicBoxServer to work please let me know.... read more

Posted by Isaac Hammon 2012-01-20


I'm hoping to release 1.06 before the end of the month. I've got something really cool for you guys and I can't wait to get it to you guys.

What are you listening to?

Posted by Isaac Hammon 2011-10-07

Quick Update

I just committed the most recent code to the svn repository. This includes the fixes to the issues in my last post (Delete All and Mini Player). I'll try and have a new update in the next couple of days for those of you who don't want to build the source code yourself.

Also, Music Box is on Facebook now. You should totally look it up. Tell your friends and keep on rockin!

Posted by Isaac Hammon 2011-03-19

Couple of issues...

I know, it's true. I didn't believe it myself at first either, but there are a couple of issues with the latest build of Music Box (1.05). There are 2 things that I know of.

First off, it would appear that the Delete All function isn't working in the File menu. Not really sure how it's not working since I didn't change that code... at all... Anyway, I've already fixed the problem and will add a new update in the next couple of days. So be on the lookout for Music Box 1.05.01 in the next couple of days.... read more

Posted by Isaac Hammon 2011-03-19

1.05 is finally here!

You've waited almost a whole year for it, and it's finally here! It's like Christmas in March. Ok, not really, but I'm excited about it, and I hope you are too.

The first thing that you should notice(hopefully), is that Music Box finally has its own logo! About time, right? Many thanks to my very good friend Micah H. for designing the logo.

There aren't any real GUI changes in this version, as most of the updates to to stuff in the backend and database code. I did finally get around to fixing that progress bar issue, as well as the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException that was being thrown during certain Google Image searches. You may have noticed that the Google Image search wasn't working. I updated my code to parse through the results to find the images again, so it is working now in 1.05.... read more

Posted by Isaac Hammon 2011-03-16


New stuff coming soon!

Posted by Isaac Hammon 2011-03-11

Various problems

It's been brought to my attention that there are a few bugs concerning adding songs to a custom playlist, importing files, and the progress bar in the mini player. I've also noticed that the wikipedia pages are no longer displaying properly as they have recently revamped their entire site (kudos to them by the way). I have a fix for the wikipedia pages and will take a look into the other problems. Unfortunately I can't give a release date, as I have just started a new job in the last couple of weeks and I'm still trying to figure out my schedule.... read more

Posted by Isaac Hammon 2010-06-02

1.04 has arrived!

I don't even know where to start. 1.04 is a huge leap forward from 1.03.

First things first. The new look and feels. You should notice it right away. Things look a little different. You can change the look and feel under the Look and Feel tab in the Preferences frame (Options -> Preferences). To answer your question, no, I didn't write any of the look and feels. The Substance look and feels belong to the Substance team over at The rest belong to the Java team. In my opinion, Substance has the best Look and Feels available for Java, so I'm super psyched to bring them to you guys.... read more

Posted by Isaac Hammon 2010-04-08

1.03 is here!

I've got a rather large update for everyone that's interested. OK, so maybe you might not notice how large it is, but I know because I wrote all the code. The first thing that you should notice right away is that their is a new tab on the main frame titled "Image Library". This tab displays an image associated with each artist or album depending on which tab you select. You'll notice that the images pop-up when you mouse over them and if you right click on an image you can add that artist to your playlist or Google image search the artist. I haven't set a way to save the images yet, but I'll probably get to that eventually.... read more

Posted by Isaac Hammon 2010-03-11

1.02 and old version

So two releases today. I've been pretty busy. 1.02 has actually been ready for about a week now, I just couldn't find the time to upload it. Then, when I was about to earlier today, I noticed a couple of errors. There was a problem passing an image/vector to the album art frame. That error has been fixed, and the proper images along with the frame title now display properly. A couple of other minor errors have been fixed.... read more

Posted by Isaac Hammon 2010-02-25


1.01 has some minor changes to the back end code to make a few things run smoother. The NullPointerException that was being caught when trying to add files to the database has been fixed.

In the last news post I forgot to post which libraries are used in Music Box, so here they are:

SQL Database: HSQLDB (, this is the database engine used 3.1)

Audio Tagging Library: JAudiotagger ( read more

Posted by Isaac Hammon 2010-02-08

Music Box 1.0 Release!

Hello, and welcome to the Music Box sourceforge homepage! I am the administrator and creator of Music Box, Isaac Hammon.

Music Box is an audio player developed entirely in Java using the JavaSound SPI to play audio files. This audio player will play mp3, flac, wav, ogg vorbis, and ape(Monkey's Audio) audio files. Music Box has an easy to use User Interface, without all the hassle of those other audio players. Music Box offers a lot of features, so download it and check it out!... read more

Posted by Isaac Hammon 2010-02-07