
JavaHack / News: Recent posts


I goofed, and on my initial CVS commit, I said "net" when I should've said "javahack". My bad. Ignore that root directory in our CVS, and used what's in the "javahack" directory instead. I'll work on removing it, once I figure out the subtleties of CVS a little more. *sheepish grin*


Posted by Anonymous 2002-04-26


Welcome to the JavaHack project! We're trying to rewrite Nethack in Java, as you've probably already guessed. At this point, "we" is only "me", and I've gotten as far as translating a number of header files into class files. If you want to help in the initial heavy lifting of porting over code, please fire off an email to me (click the link for my name on the front page). The process of creating a home page and CVS repository are down the road a bit - at least I'll get a decent home page slapped up for now. :) Anyway, hope to hear from some people soon!... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2002-04-25