
Translation status

  • Jörg Jahnke

    Jörg Jahnke - 2009-10-15


    this topic is meant to give an overview of the status of the different translations of the emulator. Please always read the most recent post in this thread to get the most up-to-date status.

    Currently translations exist for the following languages:
    <tr><td>German</td><td>fully translated</td></tr>
    <tr><td>English</td><td>fully translated</td></tr>
    <tr><td>Spanish</td><td>translation needs some updates</td></tr>
    <tr><td>Brazilian Portuguese</td><td>translation needs some updates</td></tr>
    <tr><td>Russian</td><td>translation needs some updates</td></tr>
    <tr><td>Swedish</td><td>translation needs some updates</td></tr>
    <tr><td>Chinese Simplified</td><td>translation needs some updates</td></tr>

    If you would like to add a new language or update the translation of an existing language, please have a look at the thread <a href=''>How to add another language</a>.

  • Jörg Jahnke

    Jörg Jahnke - 2009-10-15

    If you would like to add a new language or update the translation of an existing language, please have a look at the thread .

    Currently translations exist for the following languages:

    - German (fully translated)
    - English (fully translated)
    - Spanish (translation needs some updates)
    - Brazilian Portuguese (translation needs some updates)
    - Russian (translation needs some updates)
    - Swedish (translation needs some updates)
    - Chinese Simplified (translation needs some updates)


  • Jörg Jahnke

    Jörg Jahnke - 2009-10-19

    Currently translations exist for the following languages:

    - Dutch (fully translated)
    - German (fully translated)
    - English (fully translated)
    - Spanish (translation needs some updates)
    - Brazilian Portuguese (translation needs some updates)
    - Russian (translation needs some updates)
    - Swedish (translation needs some updates)
    - Chinese Simplified (translation needs some updates)


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