
JavaBot 0.3 finally released

JavaBot is an all-purpose, platform-independent IRC-bot, that is very easily customizable by using modules for all functionality.
Release 0.3 contains several news and bug-fixes, so if you haven't checked out any of the delevoper-releases you're in for a big surprise.

Some of the new things are a Google-search, Voting, being able to enable/disable modules, a brand new ban-system, being able to configure the bot over IRC, and much more. Check out the complete Changelog (located in the archive) for a total update.

Along with this release, we will also release all the customized modules that have been lying around. These will have their own package on the summary page, as well as being listed on the website.
These modules include a TV-script, showing what's on the most popular Swedish(!) TV-channels at the moment, a module that will enable the bot to auth against Q on Quakenet, and also a simple fileserver.

We have also replaced all Readmes with an online alternative, located at

For the next release, we will construct a few protection-modules, like flood-protection and protection for channel operators.

If you've got a great idea for a module, but hasn't got the knowledge to create it yourself, don't hesitate to add it as a Feature Request.
If you have created your own module, and think it might be useful for other, we would very much appreciate it if we could include it along with the releases, or publish it on the website as a custom module.
And don't forget to post bug reports!
Over and out.

Posted by Tobias Larsson 2003-11-08

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