
Java MSN Messenger library / News: Recent posts

JML 1.0b4 has been released!

A lot of work has gone into JML over the last year -- 1.0b4 contains all of that work so that folk can make use of it and give us feedback.

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2010-01-17

Java-JML welcomes bluegod! Also site moved!

Java-JML welcomes bluegod to the team!

Also the site has been moved from blathersource back to sourgeforge -- it is now running under Trac hosted here.

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2010-01-17

Java-JML welcomes Damian Minkov (damencho)

Please join me in welcome Damian Minkov (damencho) to the project! He has been contributing in the forums for quite a long time now, and joins us via his work with SIP Communicator!

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2008-08-20

JML 1.0b3 has been released!

Wow, has it really been a year since I last packaged a release for this? Time sure flies by quick. A number of nice improvements, especially in the area of avatars, were made since the last release, but most importantly ...

This release fixes the inability to connect due to an MSN protocol change that occurred recently!

So please update ASAP. This release also now includes a -full jar that includes all of it's dependencies in one simple bundle, for those who got tired of having to hunt for cindy. =)... read more

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2008-08-05

Java-JML welcomes Angelo Barragán!

Angelo Barragán has joined the developer team for Java-JML! He's been contributing fixes and new features indirectly recently and I look forward to seeing whatever he contributes in the future!! Welcome!

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2007-11-02

JML 1.0b2 Released!

Hi folk, this release fixes a major bug with exceptions causing some folk not to be able to log in (due to lack of "NOT" support) and also switched to a Java 5 base so Java 5 is now the minimum requirement. See downloads page and changelog for details.

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2007-08-05

Java-JML welcomes Lars Hoogweg and Guus der Kinderen!

Wow, not enough room in the subject to also put their usernames, but hoogweg and guusdk, respectively. Anyway, JML welcomes Lars and Guus to the development team! Our little dev family is growing. =D

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2007-07-11

Java-JML thanks Roger Chen (crmky)!

Hi folk! I just wanted to post a thanks to Roger Chen for giving birth to this wonderful library and wish him well in his future endeavours! He is no longer listed as a developer/admin on the project as he does not have time to work with it anymore. Please join me in thanking him for his wonderful work!

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2007-07-10

Java-JML welcomes Ming Wu (aka, myhusky)!

We have another new developer on the project! Please join me in welcoming Ming Wu! I look forward to future improvements!

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2007-03-19

Java-JML welcomes Jannie Pieterse (aka, PsyMonkey)!

PsyMonkey has joined us as a Java-JML developer. This is great news as I certainly don't have infinite free time to work on this. =) I look forward to working with him!

I would also like to say that if others are interested in becoming directly involved with the project, please drop me a line and we can talk about it.

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2007-02-08

JML 1.0b1 Released!

Hi folk! Despite the project being labeled as beta for a while now, this is the first release to reflect that in the version string. =) That said, this release contains a number of new features and bug fixes since the last release. Please see the changelog for a detailed list!

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2006-12-05

JML 1.0a3 Released!

Hi folk. There's been a lot of great work on JML since the last release, just was never packaged and release. After a few tweaks/fixes by me, a couple of patches from others, and a little bit of nutmeg, I'm putting out an alpha 3 release. This is an alpha, so use at your own risk, but please give it a whirl and let me know what issues you run into and any patches you might want to send my way! Enjoy!

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2006-10-02

JML has a website now

It's a little on the "ugly and boring" side at the moment, but JML now has an actual website. I put up copies of the examples and the javadocs so now they are easy to access online! Enjoy!

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2006-09-25

Migrated from CVS to SVN

As I am a big fan of SVN, I have migrated the repository for this project from CVS to SVN. Please update as appropriate if you were using the CVS repo before.

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2006-09-18

Development revived

Hi folk! I have been working on a plugin for a Jabber server that makes use of this library and since it's by far my favorite java MSN library I've seen so far, and since I'll actively be using it, I asked Roger if I could get involved in it's development. At the moment, I am looking over forum posts and such and am very interested in collecting any patches anyone has written up so far. If you have any patches you've done to the code, please submit them via the Patches tracker or email them to me or whatever. =) Just please share them!

Posted by Daniel Henninger 2006-09-16

JML 0.21 released

* changed packet from crmky to net.sf.jml
* fixed a bug in nio framework
* separate nio framework to a project:

Posted by Roger Chen 2004-12-06

JML 0.2 released

support for file transfer

Posted by Roger Chen 2004-09-19

JML 0.1 released

support for MSNP8/MSNP9/MSNP10
support for MSNC0

Posted by Roger Chen 2004-09-09