
Jaunt Web Server / News: Recent posts


In 2004,because I will have an important exam during May,I will stop the development a little while.
But if you have found bugs or have any suggestions of features,please feel free to post in the forum.
In the coming future,I hope I can intergrate the new idrunner which is made by Serhiy Perevoznyk into the server program.

Happy New Year! :)

Posted by Harold Chan 2004-01-02

ISAPI runner for Indy in Delphi

Thanks for Serhiy Perevoznyk
Anyone can help him to develop a more powerful one?

Posted by Harold Chan 2003-11-22

0.2 is released

0.2 is released , it is better to have a setup program
and some bugs are fixed
security is better

Posted by Harold Chan 2003-11-22

0.1 - test 1

This is the first version for you to download

Posted by Harold Chan 2003-11-18


It is the first test version.
Please put all the files in the same directory and edit config.ini

Posted by Harold Chan 2003-11-14


anyone who can help me to design a logo for the server?

Posted by Harold Chan 2003-10-09


We are pleased to tell you that we are now developing the server,it is simple and easy to be understood!

Posted by Harold Chan 2003-09-25