
JasperEdit / News: Recent posts

JasperEdit Moved To OpenReports Project!

JasperEdit has been renamed OpenReports Designer and moved to the OpenReports project.

OpenReports Designer 1.0.0, with new visual report design capabilites, has been released.

To download visit the OpenReports project page at

Posted by Erik Swenson 2004-02-17

JasperEdit 0.5 released!

JasperEdit is a Java/Swing based integrated development environment for the JasperReports reporting library.

Version 0.5 has been upgraded to work with JasperReports 0.5 and includes new JGoodies Look and Feels, the ability to insert/resize report elements in preview mode, and a number of enhancements to the editor.

Posted by Erik Swenson 2003-10-12

JasperEdit 0.4.6 Released!

JasperEdit is a Java/Swing based editor for the JasperReports reporting library. It allows users to edit, compile, preview, and view XML JasperDesign files, and run compiled JasperReports. It also includes a wizard for creating database driven reports.

Version 0.4.6 has been upgraded to work with JasperReports 0.4.6. and includes enhancements to the ability to modify the report design while in preview mode.

Posted by Erik Swenson 2003-04-22

JasperEdit 0.4.3 Released!

JasperEdit is a Java/Swing based editor for the JasperReports reporting library. It allows users to edit, compile, preview, and view XML JasperDesign files, and run compiled JasperReports. It also includes a wizard for creating database driven reports.

Version 0.4.3 has been upgraded to work with JasperReports 0.4.3. and includes the ability to modify the report design while in preview mode.

Posted by Erik Swenson 2002-11-04

JasperEdit 0.3.3 Released!

JasperEdit is a Java/Swing based editor for the JasperReports reporting library. It allows users to edit, compile, preview, and view XML JasperDesign files, and run compiled JasperReports. It also includes a wizard for creating database driven reports.

Version 0.3.3 has been upgraed to work with JasperReports 0.3.3. and includes a minor bug fix and additional support for parameters.

Posted by Erik Swenson 2002-08-08

JasperEdit 0.3 Released!

JasperEdit is a Java/Swing based editor for the JasperReports reporting library. It allows users to edit, compile, preview, and view XML JasperDesign files, and run compiled JasperReports. It also includes a wizard for creating database driven reports.

Version 0.3 has been upgraed to work with JasperReports 0.3.2. and includes a redesigned GUI with a tabbed interface, and a number of enhancements and bug fixes.

Posted by Erik Swenson 2002-06-13