


Use of Janpa with NwChem

(tested in NwChem v.6.3)

General notes

  • NwChem can use any of its basis set in two ways:
    * assuming that it uses 'Cartesian' spherical harmonics, or
    * assuming that it uses 'pure' spherical harmonics
    Therefore, additional used of molden2molden program with -cart2pure option might be necessary.

  • Normally NwChem is capable of producing natural orbitals for Hartree-Fock,
    DFT and MP2 methods only.

Hartree-Fock/DFT methods

Input file (say, socl2_avtz.nw )

    title "HELLO, WORLD job"

    permanent_dir ./perm
    scratch_dir ./tmp

    memory 2800 mb

    symmetry c1
      S      0.000006    0.593847    0.441491
      O     -0.000008    1.719598   -0.474534
      Cl     1.613117   -0.684219   -0.096094
      Cl    -1.613124   -0.684217   -0.096075

    charge 0

    basis spherical 
     * library aug-cc-pvtz

     xc b3lyp
     convergence energy 1e-10
     iterations 100

    grid  lebedev  90 14 ssf euler

    task dft optimize

Sample JANPA calling sequence (in Windows syntax):

  • Use socl2_avtz.movecs produced by NwChem as an input for NwChem's mov2asc program to
    get socl2_avtz.txt ascii file with molecular orbital coefficients:

    ./mov2asc 999 socl2_avtz.movecs socl2_avtz.txt

here 999 is an integer number, not less than the total number of basis functions.

Alternatively, it is possible to use a home-made program (available from utilities sub-directory
of the Janpa distribution) which is a nearly equivalent to NwChem's mov2asc.f program.

  • Call nwchem2molden to prepare suitable MOLDEN file

    java -jar nwchem2molden.jar -logfile socl2_avtz.out -ascfile socl2_avtz.txt -o socl2_avtz.molden -nwbasis aug-cc-pvtz

Note that aug-cc-pvtz file is a basis set file from NwChem's library (this is exactly the same basis set file as the file used for calculation). The -nwbasis aug-cc-pvtz paramaters are optional, but they are recommended for higher accuracy.

  • Call Janpa to perform NPA analysis

    java -jar janpa.jar -i socl2_avtz.molden > socl2_avtz.JANPA

or simply

    java -jar janpa.jar socl2_avtz.molden > socl2_avtz.JANPA

(Note that in the second case no other command line parameters are possible)
Clearly, > socl2_avtz.JANPA simply redirects all output of Janpa program to a file socl2_avtz.JANPA

Note that since aug-cc-pvtz basis sets uses 'pure' spherical harmonics, no additional conversion
with molden2molden program was neccessary.

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(to be written)