
JAMWiki 0.8.0 Released

After eight months of development the most exciting version of JAMWiki yet, the amazing JAMWiki 0.8.0 release (code name "Yellowstone") is now available. This release is a major release that contains significant new features as well as bug fixes and enhancements:

* Transition to Java 5. JAMWiki 0.8.0 requires Java 5 or later. Support for JDK 1.4 has been dropped as that version of Java reached its end-of-life on October 30, 2008 and Java 5 offers some compelling benefits.
* Enhanced XML import / export. Earlier versions of JAMWiki offered basic import functionality for Mediawiki XML files, but JAMWiki 0.8.0 offers support for importing Mediawiki XML exports with topic history, edit date, and author. Additionally, support for exporting topics to a Mediawiki-compatible XML format is now available.
* Special:Logs. Support for Mediawiki-style logs including user creation logs, move logs, import logs, etc.
* Performance improvements. Daniel Fisla has been doing investigation of JAMWiki performance with millions of records and has suggested some improvements.
* Usability enhancements. Improvements include an enhanced diff that shows details of what portion of a line changed, a new "Show Changes" button during editing, linkable topic sections in edit summaries, and the ability to specify an alternate filename when uploading images via Special:Upload.
* Additional Localization. Special:Specialpages and the upgrade process are now fully localized.
* More. An array of translation updates, bug fixes, minor enhancements, and cleanups.

See, as well as the CHANGELOG.txt and README.txt files included in the JAMWiki distribution, for further details.

Posted by Ryan Holliday 2009-11-04

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