
JAMWiki 0.3.4 Released

JAMWiki 0.3.4 is now available for download. Major updates in this release include:

* log4j has been replaced with the java.util.logging package for logging. See the upgrade instructions for details on updating the log configuration.
* Signature patterns are now configurable.
* Ability to move a page over an existing redirect has been added.
* Polish language support added by Robert Matyja (dlpa).
* Numerous other bug fixes and cleanups.

See the README.txt and CHANGELOG.txt files for additional details about this release. Additional information and documentation can be found at

JAMWiki is distributed as a WAR file that can be deployed like any other WAR file. After restarting the web application server view the URL to begin the configuration process (context is the web application context root). For existing JAMWiki users see the release notes for upgrade instructions.

IMPORTANT: While reasonably stable, the JAMWiki code is undergoing rapid development and should be considered beta software, not suitable for deployment on production systems. Feedback and bug reports are requested and can be left at

Posted by Ryan Holliday 2006-09-21

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