Jamulus OS is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu Studio with Jamulus software out of the box.
The idea behind this OS is simplicity. With Jamulus OS follow these steps:
What are the prerequisites ?
PC with at least :
The latest version is v2.02 based on ubuntu studio 20.04.
Keyboard Shortcuts from V2.00 are no longer available ...
Consult this HOW-TO if you have any question.
See Troubleshooting if you have unexpected errors.
see README file in https://sourceforge.net/projects/jamulus-os/files/JamulusOS/v2/
Hard drive installation should perform faster than USB stick/drive especially if your USB stick/drive is slow. So consider it as an option.
25 GB are recommended for JamulusOS installation. You can install a boot loader on your hard drive to let you switch at boot time to your other OSes (Windows, Ubuntu ...). You can also use a entire hard drive, this is simpler to set. Remember that all data will be lost on the disk partition or hard drive that you set for installation. Please backup your data before any OS installation process especially if you are new to Linux.
Note: You will need another drive for storing your personal data.
Go to the Jamulus OS application menu (whisker menu) and type: mkusb
Choose Backup live persistent home : it will backup your home to a compressed file where you set it to.
and to restore from the created compressed file choose Restore live persistent home
If you don't use pulseaudio to grab audio from web explorer like firefox or other pulseaudio capable applications, please don't activate the pulseaudio bridge in Ubuntu studio controls as it can take CPU even if you don't use it.
If you have a simple setup with Jamulus, you will not need pulseaudio bridge, so don't activate it (click on "remove input bridge" et "remove output bridge" buttons if any in Pulse Bridging tab and then click "Apply audio settings" | all in Ubuntu Studio Controls)
Close all applications that you don't need especially web browser which can take a lot of CPU/RAM ... So it can slower your computer if you have not enough resources !
qjackctl -n U22
export JACK_DEFAULT_SERVER=U22;Jamulus
If you want to allow only a IP whitelist to access to your jamulus private server, you can do it with a firewall.
A simple firewall for Jamulus OS/Ubuntu is ufw with a nice GUI named gufw.
sudo apt install gufw
Deny access to your computer and for each IP address (musician IPv4 addresses) add a rule to allow input on 22124/UDP.