
Mount hard disk at startup

  • pcar75

    pcar75 - 2021-03-05

    (new topic , from "Multiple (simultaneous) applications using Jack/ALSA ?" question )
    "(...) Alternatively, if you have other question you can search on (...)" Laurent Schwartz

    Merci Laurent,
    I had tried different ways to change /etc/fstab in terminal mode from various help posts in , and other sites , but on rebooting, the original fstab had replaced my modified one !

    I will try the "disks" option .

    • Laurent Schwartz

      It is possible that the fstab file is overwritten when using a USB persistent. It would work nicely on a regular install (hard drive).

      You might want to create a personal script that mount your drive using sudo. On a USB persistent live session, it will not require any sudo password with the default account.

      something like :


      sudo mount /dev/sda1 /my-mount-point  

      Then simply create an icon on your desktop that runs your script /path/to/

      • Laurent Schwartz

        Also, you can setup a session using RaySession. You will be able to start/close your audio software as well as setup your jack connexions and other things you need in one click.

        • Laurent Schwartz

          You can also start the script at session startup.

          press CTRL+space and type "session". Then choose session start software and simply add your script to the configuration.

  • pcar75

    pcar75 - 2021-03-05

    Again thanks for your much appreciated suggestions.
    Effectively my session preparation is a bit lenghty.

    After a boot from JamulusOS USB key :
    1.0 Launch 'Disque Dur' icon (File Manager Thunar) to mount windows ntfs data partition
    2.0 Launch 'Stop Jamulus Service' ; so Jamulus server sees a free UDP port
    3.0 Launch Jamulus Server
    4.0 Launch QjackCtl
    4.2 QjackCtl > Setup ; verify that the right driver and parameters are set
    4.4 QjackCtl > Start
    5.0 Launch Jamulus client
    5.2 Jamulus client > Connect > (loopback address) ; verify if audio is OK
    6.0 Launch VLCPlayer
    6.2 VLCPlayer > Media > Open A File > navigate to my hard disk and load my playlist
    7.0 QjackCtl > Graph > Disconnect PulseAudio JACK Sink from system/playback
    7.2 QjackCtl > Graph > Connect PulseAudio JACK Sink to Jamulus/input
    7.4 QjackCtl > Graph > Disconnect system/capture from PulseAudio JACK Source
    7.6 Test that guitar-mixer and VLCPlayer can be heard in Jamulus
    8.0 Launch my notes (Windows-Linux text files used with Mousepad from ulaunchers)
    9.0 Disconnect Jamulus client from loopback address and connect to the session's server.

    a) item 1.0 : This icon was already present, and hovering the mouse over it will warn if it's not mounted.
    b) item 2.0 : sometimes, the Jamulus Service seems to have 'hanged' from previous boot/session
    c) item 7.0 and 7.4 : As I interpreted your suggestion, so no system generated sounds/notifications would go to Jamulus through PulseAudio.
    d) Item 7.0 : I used the QjacjCtl > Patchbay panel to generate a configuration file. Now After a few reboots between OSs, 7.2 is now always set, but not 7.0 nor 7.4
    e) item 8.0 : As I update notes to the same text files in Windows and jamulusos, I found that symbolic-link files in Unix/Linux behave differently than in Windows; if modified, Linux will replace a symlink file -at its location- with the actual modified file. So I used a launcher to access these file on my Windows partition with Mousepad.

    I'll see what I can automate with your suggestions.

    Sorry for the elaborate text but I hope it may help someone else.
    Merci pour ta patience :-)


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