
Suggestion: indicator of other musicians delay

  • kieran

    kieran - 2020-08-27

    Hi Team,

    I am not sure where to post this suggestion so please advise me.

    What about having a traffic light colour to indicate other musicians delay on your Jam session?
    Just a red/amber/green on under their slider on the main jamming screen.

    This is as i sometimes listen in to a session and someone is badly off. I end up taking all sliders down until i find the culprit. A red or amber light would help identify them. Likewise an experienced Jammer could advise a newbie on things to check.

    Also, but i might be pushing my luck here, but maybe an indicator of someones Xruns. Again, sometimesa muscian is clicking and it help to identify them.


  • Laurent Schwartz

    @kieran you should ask jamulus project for this kind of stuff.

    Some third party software may be useful to track Xruns (Qjackctl - display in red on main window / Claudia ...)


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