
Jamos Games / News: Recent posts

Jamtris 0.2 released

The long-awaited second version of the first open source java tetris game for mobile phones has just been released. It's available on the Jamos Games homepage,

Major new improvments include fixed graphic glitches, better controls, ability to move pices down instead of dropping them and improved highscore saving.

The game can be downloaded directly to your mobile phone by using your wap browser to go to and selecting Jamtris in the list. ... read more

Posted by klagg 2004-10-28

Jamtris 0.1 released

The first version of the first open source java tetris game for mobile phones has been released. It's available on the Jamos Games homepage,

The game can be downloaded directly to your mobile phone by using your wap browser to go to and selecting Jamtris in the list.

Jamos Games, short for Java Mobile Open Source Games, is an effort to create, and port, simple and entertaining open source games for the J2ME mobile platform.

Posted by klagg 2004-09-07