
Jamocha - one engine for all your rules. / News: Recent posts

Morendo 1.1.3 release

I've posted a new release of morendo with several enhancements. This release includes bit operators and enhancements to the deployment API.

Posted by Peter Lin 2010-07-29

Morendo V1.1.2

A new release of morendo has been posted with several fixes to list functions.

Posted by Peter Lin 2009-08-21

New Release

A new release from the Morendo branch has been posted. This new release contains 2 new features: modification logic and multi-dimensional cubes. For more information, there's a paper in morendo's doc folder on modification logic. I'm working on the paper for the cube right now.

Posted by Peter Lin 2009-08-01

Jamocha Beta 12 released

Jamocha is now 100% JSR 94 compliant.

Have fun with rules.
The Jamocha Developer Team

Karl-Heinz Krempels // id864

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2009-01-31

Jamocha Beta 11 released

- fixed a few bugs
- support for temporal logic
- improved JSR 94 API

Have fun with rules.

The Jamocha Team.
// id864

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2009-01-18

First Release

The first release of morendo has been posted. The code is stable now. The documentation will follow over the next few weeks.

Posted by Peter Lin 2008-12-29

Morendo Release candidate 1

I've posted the first release candidate of jamocha's morendo branch. this will be the first official release of jamocha. the documentation is still lacking at this point, but the code is stable.

Posted by Peter Lin 2008-12-29

Jamocha Release Beta 10

Redesign, reengineering:
- new rule compiler
- new working memory
- new rule memory
- new rule optimizer
- improved JUnit tests
- new jJva logger handling

New Features:
- support for temporal logic
- rule optimization

Have fun with rules.

The Jamocha Team.
// id864

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2008-12-05

Morendo beta 6.2

I've posted morendo beta 6.2. it supports java functions like call, set-member and get-member now.


Posted by Peter Lin 2008-05-18

Jamocha Plugin for Eclipse

The first Release of the Jamocha Plugin for Eclipse is ready for download.
It provides: syntax highlighting, keyword autocompletion, context help.

Have fun with rules.

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2008-01-29

Jamocha Beta 9 released

A new Jamocha release is now ready to run your rules. Eclipse users may take a look at the new Jamocha Eclipse Plugin. Agent developers would became happy developing agents with the help of the JamochaAgent without compiling one line of code.

Many thanks to the Jamocha Developers for their time spent for coding, coding, and coding.

Kind regards,

- added support for ordered facts and templates
- implemented load function
- new working memory... read more

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2008-01-23

New Rete Backend and improved JamochaAgent

- the rete backend and the working memory was completely rewritten from scratch. Thanks to Josef Hahn aka procole@sf
- JamochaAgent was extended to handle all the FIPA speechacts and many FIPA interaction protocols.
- we are going to prepare the next Jamocha release with a lot of new features. Keep calm ...

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2008-01-03

Jamocha Beta 8 released

Fri Sep 28 17:27:33 CEST 2007
****** Jamocha Beta Release 8 ******
List of changes:

- new settings controller
- new profiler
- many bug fixes

- improved Jamocha Shell
- new command line autocompletion

Enjoy your rules.

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2007-09-28

New Settings-Controller

A new SettingsController for all the configuration an run-time settings was added to Jamocha. Furthermore, the Jamocha profiler was improved and a lot of code was cleaned up.

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2007-09-27

Jamocha Beta 7 released

- added more rule selection strategies
- improved FIPA communication support for JamochaAgent
- improved rete network visualization
- performance improvement
- added Miss Manners benchmark
- added shell command line autocompletion

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2007-09-04

Perfomance optimization

- removed a few performance bottlenecks do to long run times in Manners benchmark results
- now Manners with 64 guests runs in an acceptable time range

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2007-08-24

Jamocha Beta 6 released

- shell autocompletion feature for all the implemented CLIPS functions
- new rete visualizer providing rule selection, module selection, zoom, node content inspection
- online documentation with examples for alle the implemented CLIPS functions.
- new panel for rule selection-strategy selection

- autogenerated documentation of all the CLIPS function for Latex and for PmWiki

- implemented support for modules in rules and facts
- implemented support for functiongroups
- new rule compiler supporting and, or, exists, not, predicate conditions, and connected constraints
- reimplemtation of the rete network, its nodes, etc.
- new CLIPS formatter
- new agenda with strategies: FIFO, LIFO, (highest complexity, highest priority not completed)... read more

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2007-08-17

New RETE Viewer

The RETE Viewer was rewritten and added to Jamocha in a new GUI-Tab. After a cleanup of the code we are going to prepare the next Jamocha beta release at the of this week.


Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2007-08-01

Full FIPA Support for the JamochaAgent

JamochaAgent is a JADE Agent with an enbedded Jamocha rule engine. The agent provides support for all the specified speechacts from the FIPA ( Speechact Library. A few examples for the FIPA complian interaction are provided with the agent.

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2007-07-27

Improved CLIPS Rule Compiler

Implemented support for linked constraints and predicate constriants, and support for "or" in LHS.

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2007-07-26

New FIPA SL Parser

The FIPA SL Parser was rewritten from scratch. The new parser is based on a jjTree parser description file and an interpreter class implementing the visitor pattern.

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2007-06-28

Jamocha Beta 5 released

New features:
- improved rete viewer with rule inspection capabilities
- new clips rule compiler
- new FIPA SL adapter (not completed)
- performance improvement

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2007-06-22

New rule compiler

A new rule compile is provided for Jamocha. The next release including this compiler will be provided soon.

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2007-06-15

Documentation Generator

A new documantation generator was added to Jamocha. All the Jamocha function descriptions are exported into an XML file an the processed by an XSLT with the help of a provided style sheets to the Jamocha Wiki and to a Jamocha Function Reference Card (LaTex).

Thanks to Christoph Emonds, Josef Hahn, and Alexander Wilden for their efforts.

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2007-04-19

Added a new SFP parser to Jamocha.

The COOL parser was replaced by a new parser that was written from scratch. This parser is more slim and fast than the COOL parser and is called therfore Slim Fast Parser (SFP).

Posted by Karl-Heinz Krempels 2007-04-17