
How to validate in a span class in IE and FF

  • blued

    blued - 2007-09-19

    Here is an example I refer to in this question. On my website I have the feature to sort by name, id and date.  It appears as such: SORT BY: Name | ID | Date

    Say if sorting by name is the default, and when it IS selected, it IS NOT a link and the span class properties read as follows:{span class="selected"}name{/span}. (I have used "{" and "}" to substitute the greater than, less than keys)

    How can can I verify that name is "selected" in the span class.  Not just that the text exists because it could be a link when it IS NOT selected. 

    In other words I want to make sure that 1) The text "name" is there 2) It is NOT a link through making sure the span class is "selected"

    I need to know how I can go about doing this in both Jiffe and Selenium.

    Thanks for your help!

    • Christian Hargraves

      this sounds like a good case for using XPath.

      Check out the tags that support xpath in both the Selenium-RC and Jiffie plug-ins.

      Something like:

      //SPAN[@class='selected' and text()='name']

      should do nicely


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