
multi-language web testing

  • b1alpha

    b1alpha - 2006-10-18

    A question about Jameleon:

    can it easily support multi-language web testing ?

    If we had a set of XX automated SWUI tests, and we wanted to repeat those
    for each language pack we support, can the tool support scripting the tests
    so that we only need to maintain the base set of XX tests, but we can run
    them against any language we support ?

    I've attached a document which explains this type of problem and how the
    Silk test tools can be used to accomplish this.
    It's not exactly our situation but very close.

    The Challenge

    Early in 2003 the LexisNexisTM testing organization was advised that a new international product was under development.  A German localized version and an English-UK core version would be released in the application’s first iteration.  Following this release, the company would be periodically releasing additional versions in French, Spanish, and Italian.
    This presented a significant challenge to the organization.  Potentially, each new language supported could multiply the number of test cases required to certify the product.  Furthermore, the organization uses test automation extensively to maximize  testing resources within the constraints of the release schedule.  How could these scripts be built and maintained for a product of this scope and type?
    What was needed was a means to achieve effective automation: test scripts that could be easily extended to support additional languages.
    The automation tool is Segue SilkTest 6.0.  The terminology used in the document regarding Window Declarations and Use Files are specific to that application but most assuredly have counterparts in other test automation tools.


    • b1alpha

      b1alpha - 2006-10-19

      Perhaps this question is too vague?

    • Christian Hargraves

      Since this is more of a general question, I will give a general answer. Yes, this is type of area that Jameleon shines in.

      Some possible ways of doing this might be:

      1. Define all language-specific data in properties files and simply set the locale. Java should take care of the rest.
      2. Use the "organization" setting in Jameleon to represent languages.
      3. Define your data in CSV files and data-drive your scripts. Each row would have a different language.

      If you want to ask more specific questions, please feel free to ask.

      Here's a link that talks about some of the general data-driven features of Jameleon.


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