
JamCache / News: Recent posts

First Code Commit

The first set of source files have now been uploaded to the project code repository. I'm still working on the detailed description and specification for this project but in the mean time I've added some code that talks to memcached and is able to select servers using a consistent hash function.

To summarise, the goals of the project are:

1. Implement a Java client to talk to memcached servers via the memcached protocol
2. Implement an "intelligent" hash strategy that should will resilient to failures and the addition of new servers
3. Combine the horizontal scalability of memcached with the locality of reference (low latency) of in-memory caches using a client-side memory cache of configurable size and strategy (e.g. LRU, LFU, and FIFO).... read more

Posted by Ismail Bhana 2008-12-20