
JAM - Just Another Messenger / News: Recent posts

JAM's not dead

We are still here, we try to find time to bring JAM to an official release. If you need immediate assitance, please let us know. JAM is already working, it's just not yet packaged for a release

Posted by Bernhard Dieber 2009-11-27

JAM2 Code in SVN

We are currently moving our code repository to sourceforge. You can access the code via Subversion but note that this code is immatue, hardly tested and hardly commented. We will prepare a realeasable version in the next few weeks.

Im Moment stellen wir gerade den JAM2 Quellcode ins Sourcefore SVN. Somit ist der Code für Interessierte zugänglich. Wir weisen jedoch ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass dieser Code unfertig, ungetestet und undokumentiert ist. Wir werden dies in den nächsten Wochen nachholen.

Posted by Bernhard Dieber 2009-07-28