
Jam 2.0.0 Released

  • Histograms are now organized into groups. Groups contain both histograms and scalers. (Histograms contain gates and calibrations).
  • The histogram file format again meets the HDF 4 file format standard. This was broken for previous releases.
  • Calibrations are now saved with histograms.
  • Addition files can be opened, each into its own group or groups.
  • Multiple files with a selection of histograms can be opened or added together in a single action.
  • The Calibration dialog has been improved.


  • Histograms of different sizes can now be combined using the smaller of the 2 sizes.

Known issues

  • Adding or loading histograms from a hdf file if the size of the
    histograms in the file are different from those in memory silently fails.
  • Parameters are not part of a group so reading in additional files leads to a long list of parameters, the later ones of which are irrelavent.
Posted by Ken Swartz 2005-05-01

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