
JAlma / News: Recent posts

Beta version of JAlma.

JAlma is Java Astronomical Almanac.
First beta release in which they are resolved many bugs, new version of library jfalib is integrated and also graphical interface is fully rewritten. In this version is integrated internal low accuracy (1 arcsec) ephemerides based on orbital elements and other new or improved features.

Posted by Peter Hristozov 2011-08-09

First alpha releas of Jalma

First alpha release of JAlma - Java Astronomical Almanac in which they are added astronomical events for planets and moon, graphical interface is an improved and also the accuracy of rise, set and transit times.

Posted by Peter Hristozov 2010-10-06

Second release of JAlma is published.

Second pre-alpha release in which they are added efemerides for satellites of planets, is an improved graphical interface and also the accuracy of astronomical calculations. From this release started been translated into Bulgarian and Russian.

Posted by Peter Hristozov 2010-07-19

First release of JAlma is published

First pre-alpha release of Java Astronomical Almanac JAlma is published. Program can compute ephemeris and current visibility of Sun, Mon and planets.

Posted by Peter Hristozov 2010-05-31