Hi, a few things when playing on Xp,

-Title safe green thing is rendered when on in the world > object window.

-particles moving as I try to move another layer above in the animation > Layer > axis >         translate X box.

-No way of keying tranparency properly in the anim > layer > effects > transparency (ex:From 1
    to 100 in 200 frames)
-no way of keying blur in the anim > layer > effects > blur (ex: from full blur H & V to 0 blur
    in 200 frames)
-The keyframes window showing always the same thing whatever I shall do.

-No way of getting another key mode when keying over a layer (invert mode don't work).

-No way of changing the color of the extruded text, no way to control transparency in the
    3dText > effects > transparency slider.

plus a few crashes if anyone is interessted.