
jagzilla / News: Recent posts

adding bugzilla 2.17 in HEAD revision

A branch was added for 2.16 and development will now focus on adapting to 2.17

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2004-02-08

Events support added!

The latest release of jagzilla core includes support for events. Events are a better and more flexible functionallity than the asked mail sending. Jagzilla events let users of jagzilla customize actions taken on certain conditions of usage (ie: send a mail when a bug is modified).

The event system works in a property file configured where names of classes are added to different events.
A mail sending event on bug modification is included, which uses velocity for template processing.... read more

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2004-01-02

Web Services moved to REST

I decided to drop soap and complex WS api and use plain old standards (URI, HTTP, XML). The result is the web services interface will be implemented following the REST Architectural style.
The web application has a few methods working already, soon there will be a client lib implemented.

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-12-23

submit RFEs!

The eclipse plugin is quite ready,
I have many ideas on what to do, but they are all quite complex.
If you have feature requests for the eclipse plugin or any module, please add them, It'll help me much on development.

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-12-16

Stable eclipse plugin released!

Ready for production the eclipse plugin integrates bugzilla into eclipse. This release uses JDBC to access the database, stay tuned waiting for the web services transport to be finished.

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-12-04

Eclipse plugin entered beta state

The first stable, production ready release must be ready in a few days!

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-12-02

Eclipse plugin alpha-0.5.0 uploaded

This version contains many working features, with still some not-clean UI, it is totally functional.
The first release is very close since a production-ready revision must be ready within 2 weeks.
lots of operations can be performed from the plugin.

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-11-27

eclipse plugin alpha 0.3.0 uploaded

This plugin has almost all core functions working (except for search). Work focus will stay on the plugin for a few weeks, so keep tuned as I expect it to have a fully functionally release by Dec 5.

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-11-22

New release of the eclipse plugin uploaded

This release has many more features than the previous. There is still a lot of work to do, but if you want to play around, you'll get more fun with this release.

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-11-11

First release of the eclipse plugin ready for download

The first release of the eclipse plugin in on the files section. This is a big step for eclipse fans. Check it out and send any comments, suggestions, or just use it.
Notice that the release is alpha quality... (is the first, early release).

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-11-09

First hundred downloads next

Next download will be #100.
this system is still in somwhat early phase (at least for end used) but I belive is promising. It provides a wide range of features to satisfy the user (webapp, eclipse plugin, custom taglib to enhance the webapp or create new one, web services access).

This is also a drawback, since I'm the only developer at the moment it's quite difficult to mantain a sustaind growth in all components. I'm doing as much as I can. If you want and can help, you are welcome.

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-11-07

webapp is shaping up

The webapplication module of jagzilla has some nice reports, still not for production though, but you can get a really good idea of what you can do. For web developers interested in using this interface. The system is quite close to usable. Some feedback would be great.

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-11-02

new developer releases, approaching first release

New developers releases are available for the webapp and core api
This releases are intended for developers who want to get an idea of where the projects is going without checking out from CVS.
Core api will soon have a first non-developer release.

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-11-01

Updated javadocs on website

New javadocs generated are ready and online for browsing or download.

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-10-29

Eclipse plugin growing fast

Still for developers only, but the plugin already includes:
- preferences pages
- bugs view (with working code)
- jagzilla navigator view
- jagzilla perspective
This is an important focus of development now.

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-10-27

First example client released

The first release of the coreapi example has been released. This sould be a good starting point to anyone that want's to see what can be done with jagzilla.

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-10-23

New web site

I sited and wrote a few words more, the site is still little, but more info is now available and it will be easier to modify and add info now. check it at

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-10-19

First file release

This release includes a highly working hibernate package

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-10-14

New .java mapping files

Lots of new files are beeing added, still much work is left to do related to xdoclet and hibernate

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-10-14

First services available

The very first services exposed in axis are working. This is total bug count.
More are comming as soon as I can deal hibernate issues.

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-10-13

developer releases on CVS

The CVS tag DEVELOPER_RELEASE helps new developers checkout some working code, as the tag name is, these are developer releases, but until more code works integrated, it's a help.

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-10-12

Initial source code in CVS

Initial revisions of system are in CVS. Development is done with eclipse so setup is zero cost there.

Posted by Miguel Griffa 2003-10-09