

  • João Gabriel Nogueira


    The Project is a set of components ( 'A Caixa', Desbravador, Searcher etc.)
    The component 'A Caixa' is a specie of "menubox" that basically contains Shortcuts and a "textbox" that searchs anything and a configuration tool that can add\remove shortcut and their icons.
    But the most important part of project, 'The Desbravador' has not yet started. It's planed to be started next week or month.
    Later I'll put here the 'Desbravador' features.

    João Nogueira.

  • João Gabriel Nogueira

    Hello all,

    I'm very busy this time…… so the project is going slow…

    'A Caixa' is almost done. Is only needed to add the Shutdown and Reboot menu (less than one hour to do it :) )
    Later i'll create a blog for the project, teaching how to install, showing Screenshots…

    That's all!


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