

Since there have been a couple source reads, I guess it would be helpful to anybody downloading to have some info on what this is. This is a 2d game engine using 16-bit color depth exclusively (weird eh) being developed on Linux but which uses SDL in an effort to make it compatible with Win and Mac, although I have yet to actually build it on either. So far there is a functioning system that supports sprite sheets, animations, very basic scene scripting, and programmable visual effects (which is probably the neatest thing about the project. So far there are effects that make surfaces appear translucent, shake around, shimmer, twinkle, and look -kind of- like they're lit by firelight.) Surfaces are arranged in a tree-like scene graph and an attempt is made to draw them efficiently using a microtile scheme. Parallax is achieved using a z coordinate that can be set on surfaces. It has support for custom borders, a crude text box/font system, and wallpapered surfaces. I think that pretty much sums it up for now.
To build, you have to run and in the trunk directory because I am a lazy bastard and have not learned how to make a simple automake file. Okay- I'm not lazy, just a little slow. :( Anyone who knows how to use automake would be a very welcome contributor.
Included so far are some bits and pieces from different things I've been using to test, like pieces from a breakout clone that I replaced with a space invaders clone, which I replaced with a forest scene that I plan on actually using as my first completed project.

Posted by Nick Easler 2009-03-31

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