

Jim Scadden


JAFR is a free and open source application which enables non-administrative users to automatically register fonts in their Windows session.

To install a font in Windows, administrative rights are required. In a large environment this can be a burden on the systems administrator who must install new fonts on the behalf of users.

JAFR works by monitoring a directory (by default C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\JAFR</user>). Any font files found in this directory (or copied to it) are registered for the duration of the user's login session. By running the application at the time of login, this effectively enables users to install their own fonts.

When using the installer there is also the option to associate JAFR with font files. This allows a user to add a font to their JAFR collection simply by double clicking on it.


Version 0.2.0:

Version 0.1.1:


Does the software require admin privileges to install?
The installer does require admin privileges to run as it registers file types and adds a registry key to run the software at login. The standalone zip can however be extracted anywhere and run as a non-admin user.

What versions of Windows are supported?
The software has been written and tested on Windows 7 however it should work on Windows 2000 and above. Please raise a ticket if you experience problems with a particular version of Windows.

How do I make the standalone version run on login?
You'll need to make a shortcut to JAFR.exe in Start Menu -> Programs -> Startup

Is the installer available as a .msi instead of .exe?
I hope to make a MSI installer in the future, but at present only a EXE is available. I would be happy to accept a script for Wix or similar if someone else has the necessary skills to create it.

What language is it written in?
JAFR is written in C++ and uses the Qt framework

Why is the binary download so large compared to the size of the source code?

As JAFR uses Qt, a number of Qt .dll files are required in order for it to run. Those .dll files make up the bulk of the size of the installed files.

Version History

v0.2.0 (2015-05-17):

  • Allow multiple users to run the application on the same machine
  • Display font name instead of file name in list

v0.1.1 (2015-05-11):

  • Changed permissions on local socket to allow communication between privileged and non-privileged JAFR processes. This addresses a problem with processes started by the installer

v0.1.0 (2015-05-10):

  • Initial release