
jAER Developer Setup

Tobi Delbruck Luca Longinotti Sim Bamford

jAER Developer setup

Please read the developer guidelines!

If you plan to develop Java classes you will need a Java development environment and the Java development kit (JDK).

The project is presently built with Netbeans.

The JDK and Netbeans come bundled together as a Netbeans bundle. Remember to download the bundle of Netbeans and the Java JDK, unless you already have the latest JDK installed.

If you are not a Java developer already, you will need to get both the JDK and a development environment.

You can try to use another development environment, e.g. Eclipse, but then you will need to build the project. An Eclipse setup is checked in and being actively used.

You may be confused by the plethora of Java versions: What you need is plain old J2SE (Java 2 Standard Edition), not J2EE or any other Java bundle.

Subversion command line client for Netbeans integration of SVN.

Netbeans has a built in subversion client. There is no need to install a third party subversion client, but if you need a command line version, you can try

For subversion client downloads see

For Windows we recommend SlikSVN builds found here:

In Netbeans, the svn client is configured from Tools/Options/Versioning/Subversion.

Netbeans development environment and opening the project

The netbeans project is located at jAER/trunk/.

You can open this project from the File/Open project menu.


In Netbeans, from the Build menu you can do a Clean and build main project to recompile all classes and rebuild the jar file. The output should look something like the following. You can ignore the warning messages and you may get an error from the svnversion command if you have not installed a command line subversion client. You can ignore this warning because it will only affect the Help/About... panel contents.

Deleting directory C:\\Documents and Settings\\tobi\\My Documents\\~jAER-sourceForge\\trunk\\host\\java\\build
Created dir: C:\\Documents and Settings\\tobi\\My Documents\\~jAER-sourceForge\\trunk\\host\\java\\build\\classes
Compiling 248 source files to C:\\Documents and Settings\\tobi\\My Documents\\~jAER-sourceForge\\trunk\\host\\java\\build\\classes
C:\\Documents and Settings\\tobi\\My Documents\\~jAER-sourceForge\\trunk\\host\\java\\src\\ch\\unizh\\ini\\caviar\\eventprocessing\\tracking\\ **warning**: is Sun proprietary API and may be removed in a future release
C:\\Documents and Settings\\tobi\\My Documents\\~jAER-sourceForge\\trunk\\host\\java\\src\\ch\\unizh\\ini\\caviar\\eventprocessing\\tracking\\ **warning**: is Sun proprietary API and may be removed in a future release
C:\\Documents and Settings\\tobi\\My Documents\\~jAER-sourceForge\\trunk\\host\\java\\src\\ch\\unizh\\ini\\caviar\\graphics\\ **warning**: sun.swing.FilePane is Sun proprietary API and may be removed in a future release
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
3 warnings
Copying 47 files to C:\\Documents and Settings\\tobi\\My Documents\\~jAER-sourceForge\\trunk\\host\\java\\build\\classes
Making build version file build/classes/ch/unizh/ini/caviar/BUILDVERSION.txt
subversion.revisionNumber=108:113M at 0959
**Building jar: C:\\Documents and Settings\\tobi\\My Documents\\~jAER-sourceForge\\trunk\\host\\java\\dist\\jAER.jar**
**Java application wrapped in ..\\jAERViewer.exe**
Java application wrapped in ..\\utilities\\jAERLauncher.exe
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 8 seconds)


Wiki: Developer Setup Linux
Wiki: Developer guidelines
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Wiki: jAER Installation