
Problem with external synchronization

  • Zhenjiang NI

    Zhenjiang NI - 2013-07-05

    Now I am using DVS with an external synchronization signal running at 1KHz to synchronize DVS with a time-multiplexed laser. The edge of the synchronization signal on IN pin much be known in the software level. I have two questions:
    1 The document on the web page indicate “it now injects a special event with bit 15 set on every falling edge of the IN pin.” But as a tooltip in the Jaer program, it indicates “enables sync event on external IN pin rising edges”. It is on falling edge or rising edge?
    2 A more important problem concerns that we are not able to recover all the external synchronization events, the proportion of which depends tightly on the event flow rate. I suppose DVS is able to handle 1KHz sampling rate, which is the goal to be achieved in the application. As expected, lower event rate causes more syn events loss. It seems to me a reasonable explanation that when a IN pin wave edge is detected, DVS just set s bit 15 to a existing event but does not generate a new artificial event? Or it is just because of event loss in saving files? More importantly, any solutions to guarantee the receiving of each IN pin edges in the software level?
    Your help will be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  • Sim Bamford

    Sim Bamford - 2013-09-13

    Sorry for the delayed response - we're having trouble replicating this problem. Please could you:

    1) Update your firmware;
    2) Replicate the problem;
    3) Send us a sample output .aedat file, containing the problem (attach the file here at the forum).

    Thanks very much.