
What does the filters Binocular 3D Tracker, Binoular Disparity Map and BinocularXYDisparityMap do now?

  • D.Huang

    D.Huang - 2013-06-23

    I'm trying to use two DVS128s to achieve dynamic stereo. I have chosen the chip "DVS128StereoPair" and use the filter BinocularDisparityMap and nothing happens.
    How can I use it?

  • Tobi Delbruck

    Tobi Delbruck - 2013-06-24

    Dear Huang, it might be that these experimental filters are not working now since they have not been used for some time. Does the stereo pair AEChip class work properly?
    Can you give more details, e.g. the output of the console window?

  • D.Huang

    D.Huang - 2013-06-25

    the stereo pair works well. Information got from the two DVS are rendered on the same panel, with the color pink, blue, green and purple represents ON and OFF get from different DVS.
    There are no extra panel presented using these three filters though I have found the panel creating method in java file, but the filter "StereoDisplay" works.