
Using the multi-sender protocol

  • Vincent

    Vincent - 2007-08-03

    I'm trying to interfacing several chips to the USB2AER board. The /Req and /Ack from each chip are combined using logic gates, but it has to use multi-sender AER. I realise that the board accepts the single-sender single-receiver protocol by default. Is there a solution to this?

    • Tobi Delbruck

      Tobi Delbruck - 2007-08-03

      Raphael - This is one for you. I think the board does multisender protocol - reads address after ack is asserted by the board - but am not sure about this.

      There is a modified version of the CPLD configuration that makes the board into a 2-chip monitor, but requires a xilinx programmer to modify the CPLD configuration.


    • Vincent

      Vincent - 2007-08-04

      I think the board currently reads the address when /REQ goes low. For multi-sender, address should be read some time after ACK is asserted, or when /REQ goes high again.

    • Tobi Delbruck

      Tobi Delbruck - 2007-08-04

      Yes, correct, the board presently reads the addr on req going low.

      Can the CPLD configuration be modified for multisender mode?

      Raphael - What hardware and software is necessary for CPLD tweaking?

    • Raphael Berner

      Raphael Berner - 2007-08-05

      if you want to reprogram the CPLD, you need Xilinx ISE, which can be downloaded for free, and a programmer cable...

      implementing a switch which lets you chose p2p or multisender unfortunately doesn't fit into the CPLD, you would have to program a multisender only version or drop something else (like synchronising).

      BTW, tobi, do you have any news regarding the CPLD programming with the microcontroller?


    • Vincent

      Vincent - 2007-08-06

      I don't mind converting the board into multi-sender only. What kind of programming cable do I need?

    • Raphael Berner

      Raphael Berner - 2007-08-06

      you need a JTAG cable. there exist several versions from xilinx, either parallel or USB. but i guess, any JTAG programmer should do...

    • Raphael Berner

      Raphael Berner - 2007-08-06

      here is the webpage with a list of xilinx programmers and also supported 3rd party programmers.

      here you can download the free Xilinx webpack software, with which you can compile VHDL and download it to the CPLD

    • Vincent

      Vincent - 2007-08-08

      Thanks. I'll check them out.

    • Raphael Berner

      Raphael Berner - 2008-09-17

      The CPLD can now easily by programmed through USB, no JTAG programmer cable is needed anymore.