
Switching to jAER 1.5

  • BjoernBeyer

    BjoernBeyer - 2014-04-29

    I wanted to switch my work to jAER1.5 today and encountered a few questions.

    What is the timeline in terms of a move to jAER 1.5? Will all the filters/code be updated before the final move, because some of them are outdated. For example the directionselective filter in jAER1.5 does not work as the bug with APS vs DVS still exists here although it has been fixed in jAER for a few month now.
    I dont know if this is possible, but it would be nice if all the filters/labelers/GUI's etc could be migrated in their current form to jAER1.5 before actually making the move.

    If this can not be done it would be nice to have advise how to best migrate all the changes to jAER1.5
    Also if it is not possible to auto-migrate it would be nice to know how old all the filters in jAER1.5 are. So at which revision did the 'copy' from jAER to jAER1.5 happen?

    Is there a set timepoint when jAER will be decomissioned in favor of jAER1.5?

    Thank you very much

  • Luca Longinotti

    Luca Longinotti - 2014-04-30

    The original branching of 1.5 took place in revision 4001 as far as I can see, and I kept them in sync up to revision 4476. Currently the repository is at revision 4623. The plan is to merge all the changes from 1.0 to 1.5 in the next few weeks, svn has some support to help with that, and a few things will have to be done manually when conflicts arise, but those are usually because of the JOGL changes, or the hardware-interface updates, which I moved over separately. So don't worry, it is a stated goal to not loose the latest improvements to 1.0 when we switch to 1.5, wherever possible and practical.

  • BjoernBeyer

    BjoernBeyer - 2014-04-30

    Thats great new Luca! Thank you for that!
    So its best for me to continue in 1.0 until the move (so I dont mess up anything you are currently working on) and to switch in a week or so when you do the last big update, right?

    It would be cool if you could announce the switch in the Forums, for us few that are not working from Zuerich :)

    Thank you for your awesome support!

  • Luca Longinotti

    Luca Longinotti - 2014-04-30

    Yeah, that sounds right. I'll announce the merge once it's done.
    Have a nice week!

  • Luca Longinotti

    Luca Longinotti - 2014-05-15

    Hi. The merge of 1.0 into branches/jAER-1.5 is now complete. Basic functionality with a DVS128 and DAViS have been verified. But I'd really like it if you could try out the filters and orientation stuff you've been working on, to see if everything still looks as it should. Please also preferentially commit fixes and enhancements to 1.5 now, thanks!

  • BjoernBeyer

    BjoernBeyer - 2014-05-15

    Hi Luca.
    Awesome work with jAER1.5 ; works like a charm :)
    I tested all orientation and direction related filters I am using and they are all working properly.
    I also checked functionality of the pan-tilt hardware and related filters. Also everything as it should be.

    I commited all minor code and comment changes I had left in jAER1.0 into jAER1.5 so that I dont have to carry them over everytime from now on.

    Thank you for all your work!

    Is there any advantage of JOGL2 compared to JOGL that is obvious and that I should know about? I googled it shortly but nothing meaningful came up.

  • Luca Longinotti

    Luca Longinotti - 2014-05-15

    Great to hear that everything's still working. I've announced 1.5 officially at:

    Regarding JOGL, there's a simple, immense benefit: it's maintained! The latest JOGL 1.X was from 2008 or 2009, and was abandoned. JOGL 2.X is the current version, with an active community and maintainers. It supports also new OpenGL features and has introduced several changes, like support for OpenGL profiles (, which is one of the reasons you now need to specify what version of GL you're using to get access to certain features (or the other-way-round: features are bound to the version now).