
JADC (Advanced Digital Clock) / News: Recent posts

JADC (Advanced Digital Clock) goes Open Source company today announced that JADC (Advanced Digital Clock) software is now available under an Open Source License.

Quartu Sant'Elena (CA), ITALY, February 15, 2006 -- S.r.l. [], a leading provider of award-winning Web Software, today announced that JADC (Advanced Digital Clock) software is now freely available under an Open Source License.

JADC (Advanced Digital Clock) ( is both a Digital Clock and a Time Counter (countdown or countup display, to or from a particular time). Built as a browser-independent and highly-configurable Java Applet, JADC could be easily customized with your own graphics and time format to achieve an unlimited variety of appearances and behaviors. JADC includes by default 255 images (17 different sets of digits).... read more

Posted by Nicola Asuni 2006-02-13