
Understanding the output of FailConstraintsStatistics

  • openfokus

    openfokus - 2022-11-21

    I followed "C.1 Simple trace facilities" and set up FailConstraintsStatistics.
    This is the output:

    J1-i = 810
    J1-j = 175
    J1-li = 746
    J1-ri = 874
    J1-tj = 325
    J1-bj = 25
    J1-w2 = 64
    J1-h2 = 150
    J1-w = 128
    J1-h = 300
    J1-3i = 810
    J1-3j = 275
    J1-2i = 810
    J1-2j = 175
    J1-1i = 810
    J1-1j = 75
    U1-i = 210
    U1-j = 325
    U1-li = 40
    U1-ri = 380
    U1-tj = 625
    U1-bj = 25
    U1-w2 = 170
    U1-h2 = 300
    U1-w = 340
    U1-h = 600
    U1-2i = 110
    U1-2j = 425
    U1-1i = 110
    U1-1j = 225
    C1-i = 646
    C1-j = 265
    C1-li = 566
    C1-ri = 726
    C1-tj = 505
    C1-bj = 25
    C1-w2 = 80
    C1-h2 = 240
    C1-w = 160
    C1-h = 480
    C1-2i = 646
    C1-2j = 425
    C1-1i = 646
    C1-1j = 105
    R1-i = 473
    R1-j = 450
    R1-li = 400
    R1-ri = 546
    R1-tj = 625
    R1-bj = 275
    R1-w2 = 73
    R1-h2 = 175
    R1-w = 146
    R1-h = 350
    R1-2i = 473
    R1-2j = 578
    R1-1i = 473
    R1-1j = 324
    U1-2-R1-1:(1)-j = 425
    U1-2-R1-1:(1)-li = 110
    U1-2-R1-1:(1)-ri = 473
    U1-2-R1-1:(1)-tj = 437
    U1-2-R1-1:(1)-bj = 413
    U1-2-R1-1:(1)-h2 = 12
    U1-2-R1-1:(1)-h = 24
    U1-2-R1-1:(2)-i = 473
    U1-2-R1-1:(2)-li = 461
    U1-2-R1-1:(2)-ri = 485
    U1-2-R1-1:(2)-tj = 324
    U1-2-R1-1:(2)-bj = 425
    U1-2-R1-1:(2)-w2 = 12
    U1-2-R1-1:(2)-w = 24
    C1-1-J1-2:(1)-i = 646
    C1-1-J1-2:(1)-j = 140
    C1-1-J1-2:(1)-li = 634
    C1-1-J1-2:(1)-ri = 658
    C1-1-J1-2:(1)-tj = 175
    C1-1-J1-2:(1)-bj = 105
    C1-1-J1-2:(1)-w2 = 12
    C1-1-J1-2:(1)-h2 = 35
    C1-1-J1-2:(1)-w = 24
    C1-1-J1-2:(1)-h = 70
    C1-1-J1-2:(2)-i = 728
    C1-1-J1-2:(2)-j = 175
    C1-1-J1-2:(2)-li = 646
    C1-1-J1-2:(2)-ri = 810
    C1-1-J1-2:(2)-tj = 187
    C1-1-J1-2:(2)-bj = 163
    C1-1-J1-2:(2)-w2 = 82
    C1-1-J1-2:(2)-h2 = 12
    C1-1-J1-2:(2)-w = 164
    C1-1-J1-2:(2)-h = 24
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ44 : XplusYeqZ(R1-j = 450, R1-h2 = 175, R1-tj = 625 )
    *** Constraint:
    XeqY16 : XeqY(C1-1i = 646, C1-1-J1-2:(1)-i = 646 )
    *** Constraint:
    XmulCeqZ22 : XmulCeqZ(U1-2-R1-1:(1)-h2 = 12, 2, U1-2-R1-1:(1)-h = 24 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ33 : XplusYeqZ(J1-bj = 25, J1-h2 = 150, J1-j = 175 )
    *** Constraint:
    XeqY17 : XeqY(C1-1j = 105, C1-1-J1-2:(1)-bj = 105 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ55 : XplusYeqZ(C1-1-J1-2:(1)-i = 646, C1-1-J1-2:(1)-w2 = 12, C1-1-J1-2:(1)-ri = 658 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ39 : XplusYeqZ(C1-i = 646, C1-w2 = 80, C1-ri = 726 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ58 : XplusYeqZ(C1-1-J1-2:(2)-li = 646, C1-1-J1-2:(2)-w2 = 82, C1-1-J1-2:(2)-i = 728 )
    *** Constraint:
    XmulCeqZ20 : XmulCeqZ(R1-h2 = 175, 2, R1-h = 350 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ61 : XplusYeqZ(C1-1-J1-2:(2)-bj = 163, C1-1-J1-2:(2)-h2 = 12, C1-1-J1-2:(2)-j = 175 )
    *** Constraint:
    XeqY18 : XeqY(C1-1-J1-2:(1)-i = 646, C1-1-J1-2:(2)-li = 646 )
    *** Constraint:
    XeqY19 : XeqY(C1-1-J1-2:(1)-tj = 175, C1-1-J1-2:(2)-j = 175 )
    *** Constraint:
    XeqY10 : XeqY(U1-2i = 110, U1-2-R1-1:(1)-li = 110 )
    *** Constraint:
    XmulCeqZ15 : XmulCeqZ(U1-w2 = 170, 2, U1-w = 340 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ41 : XplusYeqZ(C1-bj = 25, C1-h2 = 240, C1-j = 265 )
    *** Constraint:
    XmulCeqZ14 : XmulCeqZ(J1-h2 = 150, 2, J1-h = 300 )
    *** Constraint:
    XmulCeqZ23 : XmulCeqZ(U1-2-R1-1:(2)-w2 = 12, 2, U1-2-R1-1:(2)-w = 24 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ43 : XplusYeqZ(R1-i = 473, R1-w2 = 73, R1-ri = 546 )
    *** Constraint:
    XeqY11 : XeqY(U1-2j = 425, U1-2-R1-1:(1)-j = 425 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ42 : XplusYeqZ(R1-li = 400, R1-w2 = 73, R1-i = 473 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ54 : XplusYeqZ(C1-1-J1-2:(1)-li = 634, C1-1-J1-2:(1)-w2 = 12, C1-1-J1-2:(1)-i = 646 )
    *** Constraint:
    XmulCeqZ21 : XmulCeqZ(U1-2-R1-1:(1)-w2::{1..362}, 2, U1-2-R1-1:(1)-w::{2..724} )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ50 : XplusYeqZ(U1-2-R1-1:(2)-li = 461, U1-2-R1-1:(2)-w2 = 12, U1-2-R1-1:(2)-i = 473 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ31 : XplusYeqZ(J1-i = 810, J1-w2 = 64, J1-ri = 874 )
    *** Constraint:
    XeqY13 : XeqY(U1-2-R1-1:(1)-j = 425, U1-2-R1-1:(2)-bj = 425 )
    *** Constraint:
    XeqY21 : XeqY(J1-2j = 175, C1-1-J1-2:(2)-j = 175 )
    *** Constraint:
    XmulCeqZ19 : XmulCeqZ(R1-w2 = 73, 2, R1-w = 146 )
    *** Constraint:
    XeqY15 : XeqY(R1-1j = 324, U1-2-R1-1:(2)-tj = 324 )
    *** Constraint:
    XmulCeqZ25 : XmulCeqZ(C1-1-J1-2:(1)-w2 = 12, 2, C1-1-J1-2:(1)-w = 24 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ46 : XplusYeqZ(U1-2-R1-1:(1)-li = 110, U1-2-R1-1:(1)-w2::{1..362}, U1-2-R1-1:(1)-i::{111..472} )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ57 : XplusYeqZ(C1-1-J1-2:(1)-bj = 105, C1-1-J1-2:(1)-h2 = 35, C1-1-J1-2:(1)-j = 140 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ53 : XplusYeqZ(U1-2-R1-1:(2)-bj = 425, U1-2-R1-1:(2)-h2::{-306..205}, U1-2-R1-1:(2)-j::{119..630} )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ32 : XplusYeqZ(J1-j = 175, J1-h2 = 150, J1-tj = 325 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ34 : XplusYeqZ(U1-li = 40, U1-w2 = 170, U1-i = 210 )
    *** Constraint:
    XmulCeqZ24 : XmulCeqZ(U1-2-R1-1:(2)-h2::{-306..205}, 2, U1-2-R1-1:(2)-h::{-612..410} )
    *** Constraint:
    XmulCeqZ27 : XmulCeqZ(C1-1-J1-2:(2)-w2 = 82, 2, C1-1-J1-2:(2)-w = 164 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ40 : XplusYeqZ(C1-j = 265, C1-h2 = 240, C1-tj = 505 )
    *** Constraint:
    XeqY12 : XeqY(U1-2-R1-1:(1)-ri = 473, U1-2-R1-1:(2)-i = 473 )
    *** Constraint:
    XmulCeqZ26 : XmulCeqZ(C1-1-J1-2:(1)-h2 = 35, 2, C1-1-J1-2:(1)-h = 70 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ60 : XplusYeqZ(C1-1-J1-2:(2)-j = 175, C1-1-J1-2:(2)-h2 = 12, C1-1-J1-2:(2)-tj = 187 )
    *** Constraint:
    XmulCeqZ18 : XmulCeqZ(C1-h2 = 240, 2, C1-h = 480 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ59 : XplusYeqZ(C1-1-J1-2:(2)-i = 728, C1-1-J1-2:(2)-w2 = 82, C1-1-J1-2:(2)-ri = 810 )
    *** Constraint:
    XeqY20 : XeqY(J1-2i = 810, C1-1-J1-2:(2)-ri = 810 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ38 : XplusYeqZ(C1-li = 566, C1-w2 = 80, C1-i = 646 )
    *** Constraint:
    XmulCeqZ17 : XmulCeqZ(C1-w2 = 80, 2, C1-w = 160 )
    *** Constraint:
    XeqY14 : XeqY(R1-1i = 473, U1-2-R1-1:(2)-i = 473 )
    *** Constraint:
    XmulCeqZ13 : XmulCeqZ(J1-w2 = 64, 2, J1-w = 128 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ37 : XplusYeqZ(U1-bj = 25, U1-h2 = 300, U1-j = 325 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ56 : XplusYeqZ(C1-1-J1-2:(1)-j = 140, C1-1-J1-2:(1)-h2 = 35, C1-1-J1-2:(1)-tj = 175 )
    *** Constraint:
    XmulCeqZ28 : XmulCeqZ(C1-1-J1-2:(2)-h2 = 12, 2, C1-1-J1-2:(2)-h = 24 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ30 : XplusYeqZ(J1-li = 746, J1-w2 = 64, J1-i = 810 )
    *** Constraint:
    XmulCeqZ16 : XmulCeqZ(U1-h2 = 300, 2, U1-h = 600 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ49 : XplusYeqZ(U1-2-R1-1:(1)-bj = 413, U1-2-R1-1:(1)-h2 = 12, U1-2-R1-1:(1)-j = 425 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ48 : XplusYeqZ(U1-2-R1-1:(1)-j = 425, U1-2-R1-1:(1)-h2 = 12, U1-2-R1-1:(1)-tj = 437 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ52 : XplusYeqZ(U1-2-R1-1:(2)-j::{119..630}, U1-2-R1-1:(2)-h2::{-306..205}, U1-2-R1-1:(2)-tj = 324 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ45 : XplusYeqZ(R1-bj = 275, R1-h2 = 175, R1-j = 450 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ51 : XplusYeqZ(U1-2-R1-1:(2)-i = 473, U1-2-R1-1:(2)-w2 = 12, U1-2-R1-1:(2)-ri = 485 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ36 : XplusYeqZ(U1-j = 325, U1-h2 = 300, U1-tj = 625 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ47 : XplusYeqZ(U1-2-R1-1:(1)-i::{111..472}, U1-2-R1-1:(1)-w2::{1..362}, U1-2-R1-1:(1)-ri = 473 )
    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ35 : XplusYeqZ(U1-i = 210, U1-w2 = 170, U1-ri = 380 )
    * Failed classes of constraints ***
    XplusYeqZ   386
    *** Failed constraints ***
    XplusYeqZ21 352
    XplusYeqZ19 34
    *** Fails not caused by constraints 0
    Labeling has finished with return value of false
    No solution found.
    Depth First Search DFS2
    Nodes : 363
    Decisions : 181
    Wrong Decisions : 182
    Backtracks : 181
    Max Depth : 181
    *** Failed classes of constraints ***
    XplusYeqZ   182
    *** Failed constraints ***
    XplusYeqZ46 182
    *** Fails not caused by constraints 0

    Does this mean that

    386 constraints of type XplusYeqZ  

    failed. However , there aren't that many constraints of this type in the store.

    What does this mean ?

    XplusYeqZ21 352
    XplusYeqZ19 34

    And why is there a second paragraphe with more failures:

    *** Failed classes of constraints ***
    XplusYeqZ   182
    *** Failed constraints ***
    XplusYeqZ46 182


  • kris

    kris - 2022-11-22


    The informartion is that 182 times constraints of type XplusYeqZ failed during search and more specifically 182 times fails constraint XplusYeqZ46.

    I hope it helps to understand the output of statistics.

  • openfokus

    openfokus - 2022-11-22

    HI Kris
    Thanks for explanation

    What does this mean:

    XplusYeqZ21 352
    XplusYeqZ19 34

    Does this refer to specific instances of constraints ?
    How can I identify which ones in the store are responsible for the failures ?
    Kind regards

  • kris

    kris - 2022-11-22

    Hi Peter,

    Yes, XplusYeqZ21 is an particular instance of XplusYeqZ. Similar for XplusYeqZ19. You can see all the constraints when you print the store in Java. However, you will not see waht was the store state when constraint failed :(

  • openfokus

    openfokus - 2022-11-22

    Hi Kris
    So there is no way to track down which constraint exactly XplusYeqZ21 corresponds to in my program ?

  • kris

    kris - 2022-11-22

    No, if you print the store you will see the constraint. In your first question it was constraint XplusYeqZ46, that is the foolowing constraint.

    *** Constraint:
    XplusYeqZ46 : XplusYeqZ(U1-2-R1-1:(1)-li = 110, U1-2-R1-1:(1)-w2::{1..362}, U1-2-R1-1:(1)-i::{111..472} )


  • openfokus

    openfokus - 2022-11-22

    Yes , I found this one in the store printout, but why can't I find:

    XplusYeqZ21 352
    XplusYeqZ19 34

    Kind regards

  • kris

    kris - 2022-11-22

    I do not know :( The constraints should be in store...


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