
Jaco Buddy Instant Messenger / News: Recent posts

JacoBuddy V3.0b released

This new release has many new features:

1) Dcc - with this you can send file to the others users
2) Bot System, to add fake users
3) Visbility/Invisibility system

Posted by Fabio Farnesi 2002-10-05

jacobuddy 1.2

Today i've started to work on jacobuddy 1.2

Posted by Fabio Farnesi 2001-09-27

JacoBuddy 1.1. Final Version

Today i've released my JacoBuddy 1.1 final version.

The features:
-Hidden System
-LastSeen System
-Use $prefix variable
-Multilanguage system (Italian, English)
-Static Control Panel Block
-Menu Admin for panel customization
-Complete Theme System Compliant
-Use private messages
-Segretary Call system
-Whois System
-New Users System inside

Posted by Fabio Farnesi 2001-09-14

JacoBuddy First release

Today was released my first beta version of JacoBuddy Instant Messenger for PHPNuke 5.2. The most important news seems to be the hidden/availability system, but also the last seen system.

Posted by Fabio Farnesi 2001-09-09