
Jacksum 1.3.0 has been released!

A new version of Jacksum has been released!

Jacksum is a free and platform independent utility for computing and verifying checksums, CRCs and message digests as well as timestamps of files. Jacksum is entirely written in Java. It supports most common checksum algorithms (Adler32, BSD sum, POSIX cksum, CRC-16, CRC-32, MD2, MD4, MD5, RIPEMD-128, RIPEMD-160, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, Unix System V sum, sum8, sum16, sum24, sum32, Whirlpool and xor8).

What's new?
Eight new algorithms are supported: sha-256, sha-384 and sha-512, xor8, sum8, sum16, sum24 and sum32. Now, there is an option to check files against a given list. Timestamps of files can be requested to be part of the output. You can process a hex sequence at the commandline quickly. Furthermore, two bugs are fixed: "algorithm cksum hangs, if a file is greater than 2 GB" and "processing a special file system folder on Windows throws to a NullPointerException". Jacksum is using the GNU crypto package 1.1 and the documentation is updated.

Posted by Johann N. Löfflmann 2003-11-03

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