
Listener for Row Processing

  • project trainee

    project trainee - 2020-02-06


    Is Jackcess have listener implementation similar to this

    It controlls the Data storage using LightCellsDataHandler. Does Jackcess Stores Database Data?

    • James Ahlborn

      James Ahlborn - 2020-02-06

      Jackcess does not have a listener implementation similar to that.

      that said, access databases were designed with more of a "big data" mentality than excel spreadsheets, so you don't really need an api like that. all data in an access database can be accessed in chunks, so you don't need to have the entire database in memory in order to interact with it. the jackcess api has standard database "read row" and "write row" operations, so you can easily interact w/ the data in a memory friendly manner.


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