
#16 Useful extensions to field editor context menu

Next full release

With the attached patch two additional features are
added to the FieldEditor Context Menu (fieldTextMenu):
1) Replacing "," by " and"
(useful for the author field when authors have been
copied from an article/abstract/etc.)
2) Case changing (usually necessary after import of ISI
bibliographic data)

The patch is for JabRef version 1.6.


  • Morten Omholt Alver

    Logged In: YES

    Thank you, these are useful additions. I plan to add number 2) to the
    upcoming release. Number 1) has a problem with names written in
    "Lastname, Firstname" form - it splits up these names. So it should be able
    to see which commas are between name parts, and which are between
    names. I don't know how easy this will be, but I feel it is a requirement for
    adding this feature.

  • Moritz Ringler

    Moritz Ringler - 2005-03-30

    Logged In: YES

    With the help of a method I wrote for patch 1173575 number
    1) should now work the way you want it to.
    (see attached file, you'll also need from patch 1173575)

  • Moritz Ringler

    Moritz Ringler - 2006-01-27

    Logged In: YES

    This patch is now available for version 2.0b2. See
    attachments below.
    Copy it to the root directory of the unpacked jabref source,
    apply it and recompile jabref. Here is what you would do in bash

    tar xjf JabRef-2.0b2-src.tar.bz2
    cp replace_comma_by_and_jabref2.0b2.patch jabref-2.0b2
    cd jabref-2.0b2
    patch -p1 -i replace_comma_by_and_jabref2.0b2.patch
    ant run

  • Moritz Ringler

    Moritz Ringler - 2006-01-27

    patch for v2.0b2

  • Moritz Ringler

    Moritz Ringler - 2006-01-30

    Logged In: YES

    In version 2.0 the code for (1) has also made it into the
    jabref source but is disabled by default.
    To activate it just uncomment line 61 in
    inputMenu.add(new ReplaceAction());
    and recompile
    ant unjarlib run

    That's all.

  • Morten Omholt Alver

    Logged In: YES

    You're right - I disabled the feature because it was in the
    last minute before release. I'm sorry, but this was
    primarily a matter of timing. We'll probably get to a 2.0.1
    release fairly soon, where we can enable this feature.

    I have two concerns: first, perhaps we should find a more
    concise/precise name for it (what appears in the context
    menu), and use a tooltip to describe more closely. Second,
    is it necessary to add ~ characters in names? I thought
    BibTeX did a good job of handling names anyway - and the ~'s
    may alienate non-LaTeX users.

  • Moritz Ringler

    Moritz Ringler - 2007-02-07

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    What I said for JabRef 2.0 on 2006-01-30 21:20 still holds for JabRef 2.2

  • Moritz Ringler

    Moritz Ringler - 2007-02-07

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Hi Morten,
    I've addressed your concerns regarding ReplaceAction in from about a year ago in the attached new version.
    1) The new name for the command is "Convert to standard form."
    2) The output format can be any of
    /** An author format: Maxwell, James Clerk */
    public static final int FAMILYNAME_COMMA_GIVENNAMES = 0;
    /** An author format: Maxwell, James~Clerk */
    public static final int FAMILYNAME_COMMA_GIVENNAMES_WITH_TILDE = 1;
    /** An author format: James~Clerk Maxwell */
    public static final int GIVENNAMES_WITH_TILDE_FAMILYNAME = 2;

    and it is now very easy to add more. The format is currently set at compile time, but for people like you - who are more familiar with the JabRef code than me - it should be easy to make this a user choice at run time (preferences or submenu).

    File Added:

  • Moritz Ringler

    Moritz Ringler - 2007-02-07

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    File Added:

  • Moritz Ringler

    Moritz Ringler - 2007-02-07
     new version of with enhanced author conversion (v2.2)
  • Oliver Kopp

    Oliver Kopp - 2012-11-17
    • assigned_to: Oliver Kopp
    • milestone: --> Next release
  • Oliver Kopp

    Oliver Kopp - 2012-11-17

    This could be integrated in the CleanUp feature

  • Oliver Kopp

    Oliver Kopp - 2018-03-10

    The solution is implemnted in JabRef. Use "Normalize Author names" in the field context menu. I think, the ISI importer is now better, so a casing fix is not necesasry anymore. If it sitll is, open an issue at GitHub's repository.

    Follow up at

  • Oliver Kopp

    Oliver Kopp - 2018-03-10
    • status: open --> closed

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