
#139 journal lists for .bib files exported from Web of Science

Next full release

This patch helps processing .bib files exported from Web of Science. In their .bib files, everything goes into double braces, for example "Journal = {{SCIENCE}}", and the titles are always in capital. Since I'm a chemist and the ACS citation style requires abbreviated journal titles, so I figured out a way of processing the .bib files from Web of Science to make suitable .bib files for ACS style citations.

This patch include four files,

%rmbr.bat is a batch command line used to remove the additional pairs of braces in the .bib files, otherwise they will be recognized as "{SCIENCE}"or "{2001}" or "{15}" in JabRef. This .bat command loads fart.exe, which is a text replacing tool, to replace all "{{" and "}}" with "{" and "}" in all .bib files in the same folder as rmbr.bat. It has to be put in the same folder as fart.exe and run under Windows.

% fart.exe is a text replacing tool loaded by rmbr.bat, see for more information.

% Modified from the general journal list from JabRef resources page. Since all journal titles in .bib files from Web of Science are in capital, they won't be recognized by JabRef when you run "abbreviate journal titles" by using the general journal list ((from JabRef website)). So I just capitalized all the full journal titles and merged them into the general journal list ((from JabRef website)). Now you will be able to abbreviate "JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY" to "J. Am. Chem. Soc.".

% Some journal titles in the general journal list (from JabRef website) come with publisher information, such as "CHEMICAL REVIEWS (WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES)", and in this case JafRef won't match it with "CHEMICAL REVIEWS", which is used in .bib files from Web of Science, so this list file was made from journal_abbreviations.txt, and the only difference is that is the mod file doesn't have any publisher location information. You can use it as an external files for journal title abbreviation.


  • Benzol

    Benzol - 2010-05-29

    Last edit: Benzol 2012-11-19
  • Benzol

    Benzol - 2010-05-29

    two list files were combined and duplications were removed. Some new journal titles added.

  • Oliver Kopp

    Oliver Kopp - 2012-11-17

    Could you also add rmbr.bat?

    May I ask about the delta to the list by Alistair Auffret? ( Could your list integrated in his list or should we publish two lists?

    • Benzol

      Benzol - 2012-11-19

      Sorry Oliver - I must have somehow deleted rmbr.bat without noticing it. I attached the zip file where you can find both fart.exe and rmbr.bat and make sure you have them in the same folder. Another thing is I would use a reserved folder just for processing the bib files and once you remove the extra brackets, move the file out, otherwise you will "over remove" them. Thank you for your list, my list, though, is needed only when you have these full capital titles from Web of Science. Feel free to combine the lists (a lot of duplicates I would say). Let me know if there is any other question.


      Last edit: Benzol 2012-11-19
  • Oliver Kopp

    Oliver Kopp - 2012-11-17
    • status: open --> pending
    • assigned_to: Oliver Kopp
    • milestone: --> Next release

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