
#602 could add the mark as read feature

Next full release

No simply as mark , since it will cleared next time you start the Jabref.

I believe, that JabRef should have a feature, that could let us to mark a paper as read, reading list, or even, give them an importance level.



  • Thomas Arildsen

    Thomas Arildsen - 2009-10-07

    I have chosen to manage this with groups. I have created a dynamic group that I call 'Read papers'. I have added a custom field 'read' to my entries. When I mark an entry as read, I type my user name in the read field. The 'Read papers' group includes entries where my user name is found in the 'read' field.
    Similarly, you could add a reading list group. I have implemented this as a static group to which I manually assign papers I want to read.
    Finally, importance levels could also be implemented with groups. You could define an 'importance' field in your entries and for example enter a numerical value from 1 to 10. Then you could create ten corresponding dynamic groups, each matching a specific importance level found in the 'importance' field.

  • Igor

    Igor - 2014-11-03
    • status: open --> closed
    • Group: --> Next full release
  • Igor

    Igor - 2014-11-03

    Fixed and merged. Pull request #28

  • fdar

    fdar - 2015-07-22
    • Labels: Interface Improvements (example) --> interface, Interface Improvements (example)

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