
OpenOffice Plugin or Export Filter

  • Henrik Berke

    Henrik Berke - 2010-09-15

    in former threads there where nearly the same questions. But not a real good
    I want to export to OpenOffice e.g. without "and"s between author names. So I
    started to create an export filter and defined the file format .ods but the
    output file is not a proper .ods format.

    My second try was to use the OpenOffice plugin but I failed either. The
    .jstyle file I created must be wrong, because the plugin didn't offer me any
    styles (same problem posted before i think).

    So please don't tell me to read hoto's caus I read them. Maybe I don't
    understand them. But I think my problem could have something to do with right
    file formats and better editors… whatever…

    Thanks for reading

  • Morten Omholt Alver

    There is probably some formatting error in your style file, if it doesn't
    appear in the style selection. Did you download the example file and try that?
    (Do not copy-paste the example from the web page, that doesn't work)

    More specifically, it's hard to comment on why your style file doesn't work
    unless you include its contents in your post.

  • Henrik Berke

    Henrik Berke - 2010-09-15

    My export file I created:

    Name: test.layout


  • Henrik Berke

    Henrik Berke - 2010-09-15

    Oh THANKS for answering…
    My created ods file is not in the same format as a ods file made by
    openoffice. In OpenOffice 3.2 !!! I can't read anything, only sings like: -
    ÜN0þšÍ*ïÆ» - The exported file from JabREf is a normal Text-File…
    So it has to be converted?
    Or may I export my bib file in a bib file of my choice with the names
    formated, than open this bib file and export this one with the standard export
    to ods?

  • Henrik Berke

    Henrik Berke - 2010-09-15

    For the PLUGIN:

    O.K. I had the wrong Browser so I thought I couldn't download the example
    file. I tried Chrome and it works. But now I have an error:

    Your style file specifies the paragraph format "Default", which is undefined
    in your current OpenOffice document.
    The paragraph format is controlled by the porperty "ReferenceParagraphFormat"
    or "ReferenceHeaderParagraphFormat" in the style file.

    Maybe it has to do something with my german OpenOffice. And default is namend
    here standard?
    I try to rename default in standard an see what happens.

  • Henrik Berke

    Henrik Berke - 2010-09-15

    O.K. its easier to create a Default style in OpenOffice.
    So, that works for the plugin….

    Whats on with the export function? Maybe the OpenOffice Function to create a
    LitList is better?!

    And how can I create an own file? That works? O.k., from now on I can use the
    example as a template…

  • Henrik Berke

    Henrik Berke - 2010-09-15

    A new question: How do I get in the CITATION et al. italic? ONLY et al. ?
    Is there somewhere a list of files?

  • Morten Omholt Alver

    Are you trying to output an ods file using a custom export format in JabRef? I
    expect that will not be possible, since an ods file is a zip file containing a
    few xml files. There is a built-in ods export format in JabRef, but it is not
    easily customizable.

    Regarding jstyle files, there is no collection available that I am aware of. I
    hope to be able to establish such a collection, but it depends on
    contributions from users that have adapted styles.

    Regarding your last question (italics for "et al"), this has been mentioned
    by others also, but it is unfortunately not possible at the moment. I hope to
    be able to look into that for a later version.

  • Morten Omholt Alver

    Regarding the "Default" style (vs "Standard" or others), you can edit the
    paragraph style to use in the jstyle file. Since styles are matched by name,
    and the default styles are language-dependent, I'm not sure how we can best
    prevent this problem.

  • Henrik Berke

    Henrik Berke - 2010-09-15

    That was my thought… but may i export with a filter an import it. save as bib
    and export in "normal" ods file format?

    And how can I change commas between author names? Like Ungewickell, U.;
    Berger, C. & Lichtenstein T. to Ungewickell U., Berger C. & Lichtenstein T. ?
    I was not able to find a command to do that.
    There is a "net.sf.jabref.export.layout.LayoutFormatter-Interface" mentioned
    in the manual but I can't find information about this…

    I AM TIRED ;)

  • Morten Omholt Alver

    I don't know what you mean with "normal" ods file format. You have to explain
    what you are trying to do, and how, before I can give any better advice on how
    to proceed.

    Regarding author names, there are several formatters that handle author lists.
    Perhaps you need to use AuthorLastFirstAbbreviator (\format{\author}), or
    some similar ones. You can find the list in the help page on custom export
    formats. The same formatters can be used in jstyle files as in custom export

  • Henrik Berke

    Henrik Berke - 2010-09-15

    With "normal" I mean the given ods export format for OpenOffice.

    Yes, I found the List and used it. But with the given formatters i can't
    manage to create the format I want.
    Because commas are made by the formatters between the names. Points where made
    and so on. And thouse commas I can't remove by using Replace(old,new).
    Although I want to replace the "and" by an german "und".
    There is this interface mentioned, but i think it will be to complicate for me
    to use?

  • Henrik Berke

    Henrik Berke - 2010-09-15

    At the moment I try this: \format{\author}

  • Henrik Berke

    Henrik Berke - 2010-09-15

    IT WORKS!!!

    The Replace function needs a \ then it delets signs made automatic by a
    previous formatter.

    The function I use at the moment is:


  • Henrik Berke

    Henrik Berke - 2010-09-15

    Now I'll go to bed… A long day with JabRef… from a newbee to a guy who can
    write things like above ;) But needs a hole day…there where some missing
    links between the information in the manual! Maybe I can help you writing a
    more detailed howto for BEGINNERS?