
jabook - Java LDAP Addressbook Front-End / News: Recent posts

jabook 1.0.0 beta2 Released

jabook is an addressbook front-end for an LDAP server. It has multiple schema support via XML mapping, and multiple directory support for contact categorization.

Releasing beta2 of jabook-1.0.0.

*** PLEASE back up your existing LDAP information ***

That said, you'll find a lot of extra goodies in this release. One big one is support for different schemas, and the ability to define your own with an XML map. Also multi-directory support for easier categorization of contacts.... read more

Posted by Don Seiler 2006-03-13

Big Changes Ahead

Our loyal fans may have noticed a flurry of activity in CVS commits and jabook-devel mail. This is due in no small part to the addition of Kevin 'javaclimber' Nilson to the team that was just me. Kevin's knowledge of java far exceeds my own, and it's definitely a good thing.

Some of the changes sparked by him that users should appreciate:

1. Having a fully modular DAO backend rather than have all of jabook tied to Novell classes. This will allow for an easy change to Netscape LDAP classes or even a database backend.... read more

Posted by Don Seiler 2005-12-09

jabook 0.1.2 Released.

jabook is an addressbook front-end for an LDAP server using the mozillaOrgPerson schema.

This release removes the limit on the number of entries retrieved from the LDAP server to populate the list. I wouldn't think the default cap of 1,000 would be a problem, but our Russian translator broke it!

Posted by Don Seiler 2005-11-08

jabook 0.1.1 Released

jabook is an addressbook front-end for an LDAP server using the mozillaOrgPerson schema.

Changes include fixes for menu accelerators, and icons, icons everywhere. I lifted them from the svgicons project (special thanks). Also a Russian (ru_RU) translation!

As always, please file bugs and RFEs in the appropriate trackers. Curious onlookers and translators are encouraged to join the jabook-devel mailing list.... read more

Posted by Don Seiler 2005-10-21

jabook 0.1.0 Released

jabook is an addressbook front-end for an LDAP server using the mozillaOrgPerson schema.

Initial release 0.1.0 is now in the wild. Source tar with ant build/install available. win32 installer is now uploaded. I have no graphical skills so right now both the win32 launcher and installer use the default NSIS "setup" icon. Feel free to submit a jabook icon!

Please report any bugs or support requests with the appropriate trackers on our website. Also if any non-English (US) speakers want to submit translations, feel free. We have a Russian one already!... read more

Posted by Don Seiler 2005-10-18

getting close to beta

I think I have a workable application now. It runs. I can add/edit/delete entries against LDAP. From here I'm playing with learning NSIS ( to build not only the .exe installer but also a .exe to run the application.

I'll probably have to write up a HOWTO on setting up an LDAP server with mozillaOrgPerson schema and knowing what your bindDN and baseDN are.

Posted by Don Seiler 2005-10-05

wtf is jabook?

This question is probably asked many times by those few persons who accidentally stumble upon this site. jabook is basically a java/swing LDAP front-end. However it is custom-built to be more or less just an addressbook front-end. It is designed with non-techie users who just want to maintain an addressbook, like my wife, in mind. Obviously you would need someone on the tech side to set up the LDAP server in the first place, so I don't know what kind of audience to reach. But basically I have this need in my household since I wanted to have all addresses in LDAP (using mozillaOrgPerson schema) and yet allow my wife to add/edit/delete entries as she saw fit. So I thought I might as well make any possible fruits of this labor available to the public at large.... read more

Posted by Don Seiler 2005-09-18