
J9P/StyxLib / News: Recent posts

J9P/StyxLib-1.1 (alpha) released

Completely reworked authentication in J9P to support other authentication schemes than just Inferno. Work for a generic 'p9any' support is started and the protocols 'p2sk1' and 'p9sk2' are supported under Plan9.
Now also includes AspectJ debugging aspects (used internally for debugging, development-only aspects). Are not needed and automatically removed from distributed libraries if compiled with Ant. Use Eclipse or any other IDE with AspectJ support to use the aspects for your own work on the framework.

Posted by Bernd Fix 2009-04-22

Licensing changed to LGPLv3

To allow the use of the J9P framework in non-GPL compatible use cases, the project has changed to the LGPL license.

Posted by Bernd Fix 2009-04-02

J9P/StyxLib-1.0 (pre-alpha) released

The J9P/StyxLib framework enables Java developers to publish namespaces (virtual filesystems) based on the 9P/Styx protocol (Plan9/Inferno).

Every namespace entry (file or directory) is associated with a handler (Java class) that controls the behavior and content of the entry. By developing customized handlers, you can integrate legacy or other non-9P services into a 9P network by mapping the service functionality to file operations.... read more

Posted by Bernd Fix 2009-03-30