
How can I use the example or any tutorial

  • macaruchi

    macaruchi - 2011-07-25


    I am trying to use this framework to generate messages ISO8583 but I dont know
    how to begin. Anybody has a cluee or idea about how can I do a simple message
    with this framework. I downloaded the examples but I dont know how to run. I
    have Linux Debian Lenny without X, just console.

    I need a a guide or tutorial. Is there something like that around ?

    Any clees or ideas?

  • Enrique Zamudio Lopez

    Have you read the online documentation from the official site ?

  • Enrique Zamudio Lopez

    The examples are a little outdated, I haven't had time to update them. I'm
    thinking about updating the examples to build them with Gradle (as I do the
    library itself), with the library as a dependency from Maven Central.
    Hopefully this week...

  • Enrique Zamudio Lopez

    In the meantime, you can look at the unit tests in the project source. Those
    are up to date and you can see how to create and parse messages from there.

  • Ajeet Singh

    Ajeet Singh - 2018-10-17

    Does the above example really exists anywhere ? The above url is not correct.

    I am really looking for some good example with server and client but hardly could find anything.

    I tried my all level best, but could not get it working with my own code.


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