
Setting bitmap and subfields for field 127

  • Jaco van Tonder

    Jaco van Tonder - 2012-03-01


    I have a requirement where I need to set some subelements in the private data
    field 127, specifically subfield 22.

    I am unsure of how to actually set the data of field 127 as it needs to
    contain a bitmap specifying which subfields are populated (in this case only
    subfield 22).

    I have looked through the documentation, but there is not much mention of
    setting up subfields.

    My logic tells me that it should be as simple as creating a IsoValue, setting
    the needed stuff on it, and adding that value to the message. Or am I missing
    the plot completely? :P

    Could someone please explain to me how to accomplish this using j8583?

    Thank you in advance!


  • Jaco van Tonder

    Jaco van Tonder - 2012-03-01

    Ugh, my apologies for the horrible formatting. :/

  • Enrique Zamudio Lopez

    You can implement a CustomField encoder for your field 127 data and pass it to
    the MessageFactory. When a message is parsed, your CustomField will be called
    to parse that data and return a custom object which is stored in field 127,
    and when a message is encoded, the CustomField will be called to encode the
    object in field 127 as a String.

    This is independent of the datatype used for the field (which could be ALPHA
    or LLLVAR, etc)

  • Jaco van Tonder

    Jaco van Tonder - 2012-03-01


    Thank you for the speedy response. :)

    I assume that the test case for CustomField48 would be a good starting point
    as far as having an example of what you are describing?

    Thank you!


  • Enrique Zamudio Lopez

    Yes, CustomField48 is a very simple example of a custom field codec.

  • Steve

    Steve - 2017-08-23

    Can this be done with the "Composite field" feture introduced in 1.9 ?

    My requirement for field 48 is below :
    Length followed by,
    At 0 bitmap (length 16) followed by,
    different fields (1,2,3,4 till 62)

    I tried to do it, however the bitmap was not sent.

  • Enrique Zamudio Lopez

    You can use a composite field, but you have to do the bitmap yourself.

    Or you can simply create a separate IsoMessage, get its debugString and put that inside field 48.


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