Activity for j4sign

  • resolir resolir committed [r234] on Core

    Prepare for v0.2.3: removed obsolete libs.

  • resolir resolir committed [r233] on Core

    Prepare for v0.2.3: corrected explanation for '-b' parameter (in this way it means both 'basic' and 'batch').

  • resolir resolir committed [r232] on Core

    Prepare for v0.2.3: experimental iterative signature/verification in CLITest, various fixes.

  • resolir resolir committed [r231] on Core

    Prepare for v0.2.3: Added detailed usage instructions for experimental iterative signature/verification with CLITest

  • resolir resolir committed [r230] on Core

    Prepare for v0.2.3: Increased maximum heap size to 1024m

  • resolir resolir committed [r229] on Core

    Prepare for v0.2.3: experimental iterative signature/verification in CLITest, various fixes.

  • resolir resolir committed [r228] on Core

    Update libraries

  • resolir resolir committed [r227] on Core

    Prepare for v0.2.3: experimental iterative signature/verification in CLITest, various fixes.

  • resolir resolir committed [r226] on Core

    Prepare for v0.2.3: experimental iterative signature/verification in CLITest, various fixes.

  • resolir resolir committed [r225] on Core

    Prepare for v0.2.3: experimental iterative signature/verification in CLITest, various fixes.

  • resolir resolir posted a comment on ticket #4

    Salve, L'installer (e soprattutto j4sign) è testato e può funzionare solo fino a jdk 8.

  • amreo amreo created ticket #4

    L'installer Freesigner fallisce con errore "java.lang.ClassCastException: class jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader cannot be cast to class"

  • j4sign j4sign released /firma-digitale/0.3.4/

  • j4sign j4sign released /firma-digitale/0.3.4/

  • j4sign j4sign released /firma-digitale/0.3.4/README.txt

  • j4sign j4sign released /freesigner/freesigner-0.3.5/freesigner-0.3.5-setup.jar

  • j4sign j4sign released /freesigner/freesigner-0.3.5/README.txt

  • j4sign j4sign released /j4sign/0.2.2/

  • j4sign j4sign released /j4sign/0.2.2/README.txt

  • j4sign j4sign released /j4sign/0.2.2/

  • j4sign j4sign released /j4sign/0.2.2/

  • resolir resolir committed [r224]

    Version set to 0.2.2 in README

  • resolir resolir committed [r163]

    Commented option to put bc in container classloader

  • resolir resolir committed [r162]

    Make getHashString use StringBuilder, Code leanup.

  • resolir resolir committed [r161]

    Remove obsolete dss v5.3.2 libs

  • resolir resolir committed [r160]

    Remove j4sign core v0.2.1 lib

  • resolir resolir committed [r159]

    Upgrade dss libs to v5.4.3, j4sign core to v0.2.2

  • resolir resolir committed [r158]

    Raise generic Exception

  • resolir resolir committed [r157]

    Upgrade j4sign-core lib to v0.2.2

  • resolir resolir committed [r223]

    Version set to 0.2.2

  • resolir resolir committed [r222]

    Various modifications for RFC8017 compliancy (DERNull Parameter in AlgorithmIdentifier) with new AlgorithmIdBuilder utility class for generation. Obsolete example CMSServlet and GUITest classes removed.

  • resolir resolir committed [r221]

    Use a NULL parameter as of rfc8017; apply Pkcs#1 padding of correct size (RSA key modulus).

  • kenren kenren posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Non sono riuscito a capire se sia possibile firmare digitalmente tramite CIE (Carta d'identità Elettronica). Vedasi: La libreria è scritta in C++ stto licenza libera BSD 3 clausole. Sarebbe veramente fantastico se tutti i cittadini potessero firmare digitalmente con la carta d'identità.

  • resolir resolir committed [r220]

    Corrected progress number for Aruba-Infocamere card 22->23

  • resolir resolir committed [r219]

    Added Aruba-Infocamere card "3BFF9600FF8131FE55006B02090403010101434E5310318014"

  • resolir resolir committed [r156]

    Catch FileUploadException sooner

  • resolir resolir committed [r218]

    CRL download and check now iterates on all distribution points in certificate

  • resolir resolir committed [r155]

    CRL verification now explores all distribution points present in the certificate

  • resolir resolir committed [r154]

    Corrected generation of file names for files being signed.

  • resolir resolir committed [r217]

    Improve dealing with malformed CMS

  • resolir resolir committed [r153]

    Updated j4sign-core to v0.2.1, improving dealing with malformed CMS files

  • resolir resolir committed [r152]

    Corrected generation of nested items file names

  • resolir resolir committed [r151]

    Implementation of nested signatures verification.

  • resolir resolir committed [r150]

    Switch classpath of Bouncycastle libraries relative to specific BC_HOME variable

  • resolir resolir committed [r149]

    Upgrade DSS libs to v5.4.3

  • resolir resolir committed [r148]

    Pass mime types for signature/verification to FileItemProcessor constructor

  • j4sign j4sign released /j4sign/0.2.0/README.txt

  • j4sign j4sign released /j4sign/0.2.0/README.txt

  • j4sign j4sign updated /j4sign/0.2.0/README

  • j4sign j4sign released /j4sign/0.2.0/

  • j4sign j4sign released /j4sign/0.2.0/

  • j4sign j4sign released /j4sign/0.2.0/README

  • resolir resolir committed [r216]

    Update LOTL signers after 2019 modification restoring verification functionality.

  • resolir resolir committed [r215]

    Update LOTL signers after 2019 modification restoring verification functionality.

  • resolir resolir committed [r214]

    Added merge test

  • resolir resolir committed [r213]

    Added merge test

  • resolir resolir posted a comment on ticket #3

    Il 18/02/21 15:34, Julian Del Vecchio ha scritto: Hi All, the version 0.3.4 still have the same problem. Is it possible to modify your application to work with openjdk? Thx a lot. Sorry, now I read the stacktrace below. Which Java runtime version? j4sign at the moment works only with java8 included. Openjdk is perfectly fine for Freesigner. rob [bugs:#3] issue installing on ubuntu 20.04 Status: open Group: v1.0 (example) Created: Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:11 AM UTC by Nur Aiman Fadel Last Updated: Thu...

  • resolir resolir posted a comment on ticket #3

    Il 18/02/21 15:34, Julian Del Vecchio ha scritto: Hi All, the version 0.3.4 still have the same problem. Is it possible to modify your application to work with openjdk? Thx a lot. Which application? Freesigner? rob

  • resolir resolir posted a comment on ticket #3

    Already answered at previous post. No support for jdk (any provider) over 8 is in sight. Openjdk 8 is perfectly fine.

  • Julian Del Vecchio Julian Del Vecchio posted a comment on ticket #3

    Hi All, the version 0.3.4 still have the same problem. Is it possible to modify your application to work with openjdk? Thx a lot.

  • resolir resolir committed [r147]

    Corrected some typos in a log message and traslated comment

  • resolir resolir posted a comment on ticket #3

    Il 29/10/20 09:40, Nur Aiman Fadel ha scritto: hi, the default version on ubuntu 20.04: openjdk version "11.0.9" 2020-10-20 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.9+11-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.9+11-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04, mixed mode, sharing) Firstly: may you subscribe to the j4sign-users mailing list and post your questions there? (it will be easier for me and others to read and answer). Freesigner doesn to works at the moment with java runtime over jre 8; it is...

  • Nur Aiman Fadel Nur Aiman Fadel posted a comment on ticket #3

    hi, the default version on ubuntu 20.04: openjdk version "11.0.9" 2020-10-20 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.9+11-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.9+11-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.20.04, mixed mode, sharing) Nur Il giorno gio 29 ott 2020 alle ore 08:54 resolir ha scritto: Il 15/10/20 13:11, Nur Aiman Fadel ha scritto: [bugs:#3] issue installing on ubuntu 20.04* Status: open Group: v1.0 (example) Created:...

  • resolir resolir posted a comment on ticket #3

    Il 15/10/20 13:11, Nur Aiman Fadel ha scritto: [bugs:#3] issue installing on ubuntu 20.04 Status: open Group: v1.0 (example) Created: Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:11 AM UTC by Nur Aiman Fadel Last Updated: Thu Oct 15, 2020 11:11 AM UTC Owner: nobody I tried to install it on Ubunto 20.04 but I had the following error: ./freesigner-0.3.3-setup.jar Command line arguments: Cannot find named resource: 'packsLang.xml' AND 'packsLang.xml_fur' ==================== * Installation started Exception in thread "IzPack...

  • resolir resolir posted a comment on ticket #3

    And, by the way, may you post your questions thru the user mailing list?

  • resolir resolir posted a comment on ticket #3

    Hello, which kind and version of java runtime are you using? Which operating system? Bye, rob

  • j4sign j4sign released /freesigner/freesigner-0.3.4/freesigner-0.3.4-setup.jar

  • j4sign j4sign released /freesigner/freesigner-0.3.4/README.txt

  • Nur Aiman Fadel Nur Aiman Fadel created ticket #3

    issue installing on ubuntu 20.04

  • resolir resolir committed [r212]

    Fixing 'origin' header for Tyrus webstart client websocket connections adding http or https scheme.

  • resolir resolir committed [r146]

    Removed jwt keystore in favor of jwt certificate (no need of a keystor for passing a public key)

  • resolir resolir committed [r145]

    Introduced ant buildfile and removed hardcoded jwt keystore parameters

  • resolir resolir committed [r144]

    Delete ROOTS configuration content and jws keystore

  • resolir resolir committed [r143]

    First release

  • resolir resolir committed [r142]

    First release

  • resolir resolir committed [r141]

    Reintroduce JNLP streamer servlet

  • resolir resolir committed [r140]

    Java Webstart applet, 2019 LOTL signer modifications

  • resolir resolir committed [r139]

    Java Webstart applet, 2019 LOTL signer modifications

  • resolir resolir committed [r138]

    Java Webstart applet, 2019 LOTL signer modifications

  • resolir resolir committed [r137]

    Java Webstart applet, 2019 LOTL signer modifications

  • resolir resolir committed [r136]

    Logback configuration

  • resolir resolir committed [r135]

    Updated servlet package with upcoming classes from jaxrs service

  • resolir resolir committed [r134]

    websocket package for interacting with new webstart signature applet implementation

  • resolir resolir committed [r133]

    Updated servlet package with upcoming classes from jaxrs service

  • resolir resolir committed [r132]

    Update commons-fileupload to v1.4

  • resolir resolir committed [r131]

  • resolir resolir committed [r130]

    Update commons-fileupload to v1.4

  • resolir resolir committed [r129]

    websocket package for interacting with new webstart signature applet implementation

  • resolir resolir committed [r128]

    Updated servlet package with upcoming classes from jaxrs service

  • resolir resolir committed [r211]

    Comments editing

  • resolir resolir committed [r210]

    Added copyright notice, javadoc comments

  • resolir resolir committed [r209]

    README and ISTALL updated with java runtime requirements and TSL verification news.

  • resolir resolir committed [r208]

    v0.2.0 related changes

  • resolir resolir committed [r207]

    Upgrade DSS to 5.4.3, removing 5.3.2 libs

  • resolir resolir committed [r206]

    2019 updates to LOTL location and new signers, smartcardio based card detection

  • resolir resolir committed [r127]

    Updated core j4sign to version 0.1.9, which uses dss project libraries v5.3.2; LOTL signers are now refreshed and updated from (pivot) LOTLs themselves.

  • resolir resolir committed [r126]

    Add dependencies to configure.web.dist needed for triggering inclusion of firma.jsp

  • resolir resolir committed [r125]

    Small corrections in HTML markup.

  • j4sign j4sign released /freesigner/freesigner-0.3.3/README.txt

  • j4sign j4sign released /freesigner/freesigner-0.3.3/freesigner-0.3.3-setup.jar

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