

As you might have guessed after about three years of inactivity this project is dead. Sorry.
Maybe one day I'll pick it up again. Until then (should that day ever happen) check the forums (this one [ ] seams to be the most recent ) for some interesting modifications (if any of the people working on the new releases would like to become members of this project get in touch).

Every now and again I get an email asking for the source. The source lives in the CVS repository; I do not see the point in having source zip downloads. To access it you will need a CVS client. I've always used the one shipped with Cygwin [ ], but if you want GUI TortoiseSVN is great so I'm going to guess so is TortoiseCVS [ ].
The instructions are here: [ ]

A few questions have flown about regarding NCM (Nokia Compatibility Mode). This came about as early versions of the Nokia JVM sucked. It did not support reading and writing from the same socket in different thread, and the available() method in InputStream either does not do what I thought it did, or simply does not work. So in an attempt to get round these problems I hacked together NCM. This attempts to guess when it would be receiving content. So after sending a "repaint" command it would wait for the result. As anyone who has used this mode knows it does not work very well.

If I was to restart this I would rip out NCM. I might also remove any HTTP tunnelling (a significantly better solution to the problem, look in the forums for a release with support for this) and would be tempted to move the bar even higher and target JME Personal Profile.

Anyhoo hopefully this will answer most of the questions I get sent. If it does not leave a note on the forum and next time I pop by I'll have a go at answering it.


Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2008-05-11

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