
J2ME VNC Client / News: Recent posts


As you might have guessed after about three years of inactivity this project is dead. Sorry.
Maybe one day I'll pick it up again. Until then (should that day ever happen) check the forums (this one [ ] seams to be the most recent ) for some interesting modifications (if any of the people working on the new releases would like to become members of this project get in touch).... read more

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2008-05-11

J2ME VNC New Beta, HTTP Tunnel Support and SSH Support

First, a BIG thanks to Atsuhiko Yamanaka for both HTTP Tunneling support ( ) and SSH2 support ( ). I intend on rolling them both into the CVS soon, and creating three versions. Vanilla, HTTP and SSH2, as the application is already much larger than I would of liked, and SSH2 requires MIDP 2.
I'm going to have to brush up on my ant scripting :)... read more

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2005-02-17

SSH2 Support

Thanks to the wonderfull people over at JSch [ ], we have a J2ME VNC with SSH2 support! A big big thanks to Atsuhiko Yamanaka, and all the JSch team.

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2005-01-26

J2ME VNC - Beta 3.0.4

J2ME VNC is a VNC client for mobile devices.
Work Everywhere!

This release includes partial support for two new features, basic macros support and the HTTP Socket client code, but the server is still incomplete. Bugs effecting Black Berry and JBlend VMs, a number of small bugs affecting all platforms; as well as a major bug also affecting all platforms have been fixed. A number of small UI improvements have been incorporated, and the popular "Downloading" icon has been updated to a "Working" icon.... read more

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2004-05-11

J2ME VNC 1 Year Old Today

J2ME VNC is celebrating its first birthday. I am very please with the success of J2ME VNC, with over 60,000 page views, and about 4,000 downloads (averaging about 10 a day), this has been my most successful open source project.
But it is not finished yet, not even near. But rest assured, I am still working hard on it (in between work, and real-life commitments). You can monitor the progress on the Ouzo Wiki page, and the task tracker. You too can help, by expanding the Wiki, writing code, translating it to a new language (or updating an old one), redoing the graphics, submitting bug reports or even donating some cash. ... read more

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2004-03-20

J2ME VNC - Beta 3.0.1

J2ME VNC is a VNC client for mobile devices.
Work Everywhere!

I have released a new debug-only version, this is to address a small problem with the protocal implementation.

It also includes a two improvements from Ouzo: ) the client code for HTTPSocket
(does not work with out a server, which has not yet been completed ;) and Macro support, but for key presses only (no mouse, or screen movement yet).... read more

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2004-02-22

New Website Feature: Wiki

I have added a Wiki to the J2ME VNC website, primarily as a cheap way of getting round the complete lack of documentation :) Enjoy

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2004-02-08

J2ME VNC - Beta 3.0.0

J2ME VNC is a VNC client for mobile devices.
Work Everywhere!

Welcome to the first Beta. This version should be fully functional on all mobile devices supporting Sockets. If you have any problems, please try the Debug version on in the downloads at the bottom J2ME VNCs homepage.

Nokia Compatibility Mode, AKA NCM: Users should notice quite an improvement (if not using a Nokia phone, or a phone which has the same problems as Nokia phones) when this option is disabled (enabled by default).

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2003-11-06

J2ME VNC - Alpha 2.9.5

J2ME VNC is a VNC client for mobile devices.
Work Everywhere!

Nokia phones should work well with this release, and (as long as you do not do too much in close succession) will not lead to an Out Of Memory Error. It can still get confused if the server sends it data it is not expecting, or if the server combines updates, which is allowed in the specs. Unless Nokia release an update for its mobile phones, I do not see this improving much. Ill continue to tweak it in hope of getting a smother ride for Nokia users.... read more

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2003-10-15

J2ME VNC - Alpha 2.9.5

J2ME VNC is a VNC client for mobile devices.
Work Everywhere!

Nokia phones should work well with this release, and (as long as you do not do too much in close succession) will not lead to an Out Of Memory Error. It can still get confused if the server sends it data it is not expecting, or if the server combines updates, which is allowed in the specs. Unless Nokia release an update for its mobile phones, I do not see this improving much. Ill continue to tweak it in hope of getting a smother ride for Nokia users.... read more

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2003-10-15

J2ME VNC - Status Report: Nokia Phones and The Future

Nokia phones should work well-ish with the next release, and (as long as you do not do too much in close succession) will not lead to an Out Of Memory Error. It can still get confused if the server sends it data it is not expecting, or if the server combines updates, which is allowed in the specs. Unless Nokia release an update for its mobile phones, I do not see this improving much. Ill continue to tweak it in hope of getting a smother ride for Nokia users.... read more

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2003-10-02

J2ME VNC - Alpha 2.9.4

J2ME VNC is a VNC client for mobile devices.
Work Everywhere!

Finally I think thanks to Konrad Brunner ( winnipuschka ) the problem on Nokia phones is gone.

This includes one hell of an ugly hack to make it work, however it should now work on Nokia phones.

Please do submit a bug report [ ] or post on the forum [ ] if you have a problem. I do not currently own a mobile phone, and I am completly depended on you for input!... read more

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2003-09-22

J2ME VNC - Alpha 2.9.3

J2ME VNC is a VNC client for mobile devices.
Work Everywhere!

Finally I think I've found the problem on Nokia phones. (ok, the last three releases have stated the same).

This includes one hell of an ugly hack to make it work, however it should now work on Nokia phones.

Please do submit a bug report [ ] or post on the forum [ ] if you have a problem. I do not currently own a mobile phone, and I am completly depended on you for input!... read more

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2003-09-18

J2ME VNC - Alpha 2.9.1 Untranslated!

J2ME VNC is a VNC client for mobile devices.
Work Everywhere!
Download [ ]

If you have had a problem on any pervious release, this should fix it, however if it does not, the LOG button now appears on every screen, and will take you back to the screen you were on.
Give it a go, and report any problems to the bugs page [ ] or the forum [ ].

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2003-07-23

J2ME Debug Release 3: Unflushed Attacks!

I think I've found the problem, with the hanging-at-connecting problem, here is a download [ ], please give it and let me know if it works. Again, any problems, either fill in a bug report [ ] or leave a note on the forums [ ]. Remeber to include a log report (press the log button) and as much information about the phone (make/firmware/...) and VNC server (Win/Real/Tiny...) and if you are using a password, if so how long is it.
As to the other two other problems ( java.lang.IOExeception, and No Such Field or Method), I'm still lost on. I have asked on the sun forum for help [ ], but I've had no luck thus far, and Motorola does not have a forum to ask questions on.
I shall see about posting on Nokia Forum to see if I can work out the Nokia problems.

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2003-06-26

J2ME Debug Release 2: Revenge Of The Unflushed

I think I've found the problem, with the hanging-at-connecting problem, here is a download [ ], please give it and let me know if it works. Again, any problems, either fill in a bug report [ ] or leave a note on the forums [ ]. ... read more

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2003-06-26

Debug Version Released...

I have released a debug version of J2ME VNC, this will hopfully help me sort out many of the problems people have expreniced on the Nokia 7650 (and on other phones). If you are not having any problems with version 2.9 you do not need to download the new release.

If however it is returning problems on the lines of "index out of bounds" or it is hanging when you try to connect to a VNC server, press the "log" button, and submit a bug report ( ) including as much information as you can (your phone, what the title of the log screen is, and the rest of the log file. Which VNC server version you are connecting to, are you using a password, what connection you are using... ... read more

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2003-06-25


The source forge download system does not support the .jad mimetype, meaning it does not download on all phones. I have set up a downloads folder which has the mime types set up correctly.

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2003-04-21

Alpha 2 of J2ME VNC Fixed!

J2ME VNC alpha 2 was broken, due to my mis-understanding of SF.nets branch system, both the English and the German versions linked to the German version. This has now been fixed.

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2003-04-13

J2ME VNC Aplha 2 Released

Supports two languages (English and German) with more to follow, much nicer error handing and uses icons instead of text to display the mode, which has been split into two; view mode (Normal and Full Screen) and entry mode (Navigation, Mouse and SMS Text).

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2003-04-12

Multi-Lingual & Ant Support

In the CVS now lives and ant file, based on one donated by Mark Goodwin. This has been extended to use the optional Translate ant task. But with this comes new build instructions, for development builds you can still use KToolbar, but this does not covert the text markers with the translated text, however if you want to build with native language support, then you will need to install ant, cd to the VNC folder and type
ant Dj2mewtk.home=(path to wtk root) [-Dlang=(language code)]

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2003-04-09

Yummy Error Handling!

Sitting in the CVS is some better error handling, it is still not perfect, but it is now much better.
I've also java doc'ed the RFBProto class.

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2003-04-02

Aplha 1 Released

Aplha 1 of J2ME VNC is out, with hextitle encoding support and a Connections Manager.

Posted by Micheal Lloyd Lee 2003-03-26