
J2ME Gaming Book / News: Recent posts

New Graphics and Sprites

Big Thx to Bundle of Noodles (Leeman Cheng)
and Carlo Casimiro for the new set of Sprites
and Tiles for each level

Posted by Jason Lam 2004-07-01

Release 0.5.6

- Chapter 13,
- Chapter 14 (Some)
- Chapter 15 (Some)

- Updated all graphics
- Game play self now has NPCs with AI for
Canon tracking the user and firing

Posted by Jason Lam 2004-07-01

Release 0.5.5

Completed Chapter 17 - Locale Section with source

Posted by Jason Lam 2004-05-08

Release 0.5.4

Released Chapter 18 with Source

Posted by Jason Lam 2003-12-01

Release 0.5.3

Chapter 12 Added with source code

Posted by Jason Lam 2003-10-14

Release 0.5.2

Added a small intro the JEMBlazer
Added Pause, Remove and Save section under Chapter X - Improving Usability, Chapter has yet to be properly numbered

Posted by Jason Lam 2003-10-08

Release 0.5.1

All individual chapters have been merged into one PDF and an editable verion is available in CVS (openoffice format). Password Removed. No new chapters nor has any editing been done. Document updates coming in next released

Posted by Jason Lam 2003-09-19

New Member/Editor

Frank Manno has been added to project as an Editor. Thank you Frank!

Due to popular demand:
- All chapters will be merged into one
- PDF and an editable/printable version will be
- Password removed from PDFs

Estimated Date some time late September 2003 or Early October 2003.

For more infomation visit the author's website

Posted by Jason Lam 2003-09-17

Release 0.5.0

Initial Chapters on Mobile Gaming using J2ME are now available. Chapters released so far are:

Password for PDFs are, this will be removed in future releases. As well editable documents will be released instead or along with PDFs.

Posted by Jason Lam 2003-09-09