
Example source code

  • DataFiddler

    DataFiddler - 2007-08-14

    First of all: Thanks for putting this project under LGPL, vikram.

    Next: I got my first example ( MSADO ) running !
    (removing undefined %JAVA_HOME% , but java.exe is found via the PATH env variable ;)
    (execute.bat localhost myaccount mypassword)
    hint1: account without the domain\ prefix, even if it's a domain account.
    hint2: for localhost, "" instead of does work well, too.

    It prints some data, which obviously come from the sample database and exits.

    I don't mind that all is hard coded, but to get started quickly and easily, wouldn't it be nice to have the sample in source code?
    I see the .class file of the samples are in  j-interop.jar?, and I can't find the .java files.
    Is this intended?

    • Vikram Roopchand

      Hi Data,
              The example source code should be in the "examples" folder (as src , I think). I put it there most of the times and certainly hope that I did not miss it this time :(...

      If it's missing, I request you to kindly take it from the CVS ...I am close to RC2 and will rectify this issue with that release.

      Thanks and my sincere apologies,
      best regards,

      • Vikram Roopchand

        yes, I just checked, it should be under "examples-->Source of examples".

        best regards,

        • DataFiddler

          DataFiddler - 2007-08-14

          Yes, sorry and thanks.

  • Erik S

    Erik S - 2010-06-30

    Hate to bump such an old thread, but I was looking for source examples in the current releases of j-Interop and could not find them in there like i could in the 1.x downloads.  Where might I find those?

    I see that you referred datafiddler to your CVS repository.  How would one access that?

  • Bustamam Harun

    Bustamam Harun - 2010-06-30

    The zip file in the "Files" section on j-interop sourceforge project contains the "examples" folder.

  • Vikram Roopchand

          Please have a look at the SF page for j-Interop. We have moved to SVN from CVS. The code is here

    best regards,


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