
Can iexplore.exe be started as a process?

Mike J
  • Mike J

    Mike J - 2014-07-07

    In the, an Iexplore.exe is started via the lines of code like,
    comServer = new JIComServer(JIProgId.valueOf("InternetExplorer.Application"), address, session);
    ieObject = comServer.createInstance();

    here the IE itself is the com server on the specified desktop.

    It's a little bit strange, in contrast to what I knew about j-interop. Normally, when trying to make a connection to the remote device, j-interop creates an JIComServer using "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator", like
    JIComServer comServer = new JIComServer(JIProgId.valueOf("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"), address, session);
    unknown = comServer.createInstance();
    then from this com server, you can get the Swbemservices and get every thing via the wbemservices, including starting/stopping the win32 processes.

    The questions are:
    1. Why can the creation of IE browser go ahead independently without using "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" as an entry point to have access to the remote device, like any other cases?
    2. Can I go with WbemScripting.SWbemLocator and then create an instance of win32_process and then call its method of "create" to start an iexplore process?

    I already tried the item 2). It seemed not working.

    any hints?

    thanks in advance,



    Last edit: Mike J 2014-07-07
    • Vikram Roopchand

      Dear Mike,

      It depends upon the way COM server is implemented. All COM Servers are
      different. In first case, you are invoking the COM Server directly using
      its ProgID and in the second case you are using another COM Server to do
      the same. Both ways are correct. I am not sure why second point of yours
      doesn't work. Could be many things, including permissions... what does the
      error message say ?

      best regards,

      On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:46 AM, Mike J wrote:

      In the, an Iexplore.exe is started via the lines
      of code like,
      comServer = new
      JIComServer(JIProgId.valueOf("InternetExplorer.Application"), address,
      ieObject = comServer.createInstance();

      here the IE itself is the com server on the specified desktop.

      It's a little bit in contrast to what I knew about j-interop. Normally,
      when trying to make a connection to the remote device, j-interop creates an
      JIComServer using "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator", like
      JIComServer comServer = new
      JIComServer(JIProgId.valueOf("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator"), address,
      unknown = comServer.createInstance();
      then from this com server, you can get the Swbemservices and get every
      thing via the wbemservices, including starting/stopping the win32 processes.

      The questions are:
      1. Why can the creation of IE browser go ahead independently without using
      "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator" as an entry point to have access to the remote
      device, like any other cases?
      2. Can I go with WbemScripting.SWbemLocator and then create an instance of
      win32_process and then call its method of "create" to start an iexplore

      I already tried the item 2). It seemed not working.

      any hints?

      thanks in advance,


      Can iexplore.exe be started as a process?

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